Cases - source Nvidia & top 100 partners in 21st C accelerated computing -Top3 Humans of DL: JH & DH & FL & Alg 3-2022:LBH
Deutsche Bank:::hewlett packard :: Softbank:: Samsung:: :siemens:: salesforce ::blackrock   ::snowflake::BMW BNP:: foxconn :: dell::ford ....Coming To King Charles Language Modeling 100 Most Joyful Collabs inspired by Taiwan-Americans & Grace Hopper fans:  J1  Barbados amazon   Anthropic :: databricks
Climate AI::Silico -CLARA=BIOtech:: Genentech::CADENCE:: Hassabis::: CZI-Priscilla Chan ::; BioNeMo :: eg at snowflake:: (bethesda, baltimore brooklyn friends) - 75th year on NET brainstoming :
March2025  Year 11 starts new round of Intelligence's deepest brainstorming thanks to :
Jensen Huang annual partnership leaps- this year what could your peoples do with 35 times more energy efficient supoercomputing
.Modi-Banga-Ambani- Bloomberg..any chance that india's implementation (modi paris febriary =KingCharles ai relay 3/ ambani/jensen november) could twin supercity discovery with bloomberg road sadety learning curves since 2007 celebrated at last week's world bank 22nd transforming transporation (nb we're glad Charles is celebrating 2nd quarter of 21st C with AI frineds following or support starting first quarter of 21st c microcredit bangladesh women empowerment - banker for poor- hope musk's starling offer to dr yunus is real thing)
thanks as always to steve jobs who in 2001 hosted Valley's 65th birthday party with women empowernents Fazle Abed, and in 2002 started coding pixels at Pixar with Jensen Huang soon to change radilogy ai and then all surgeon ai and then 
Hassabis Alphafold3 250 million protein ai 
JENSENS LAW COMPLETES 10**18 more tech since 1965 ~MooresLaw*Jobs (&Satellite?Space AI 1G to 5+G) Mobilising Data Clouds*Jensens Law In 1964 I was 13 - starting to study maths slide rulers were most efficient dtata analysis apploed by schools anywhere. * years later as I achieved mt postgrad Diploma Stas at Camvridge Maths Lab DAMTP - online compiting barely exuisted. I lucjed out with my first job - UK Natioanl Developmemt Project Computer Assisted Learning - there I not only stidies online classes connecting 100 studnts across the country but programmed much of the content and acted as tutir when machine ocasionally broke down. I am conveinced blending digital and "real" learning is what every millennials needs to generate. 

AI AGENCY FOR EVERY HUMAN TO COME BEFORE AGI 18 March 2025 sees Nvidia's Jensen Huang start 11th year of summit updates on all deep learning ai and effectively year 24 of pixel ai core to 1 most medical al as well as rendering and figital games

 Which kind of Intelligences -human AND engineered - interest you? AI is brilliant wherever structctured multidimensional  analysis is beyond any human brains which over focuses on one dimensional (short-term) numerical audits and except in medical scanning (as yet) often fails to fully openly/transparently appreciate 2 dimensional maps let alone 3d up 


(eg valuing data sovereignty by and for peoples futures! ) India will be lead space to benchmar 2025-2026 

and Modi has committed to host 4th AI world series laynched by King Charles Bletchley Nov 2023

- first demonstrations came from coding pixels (2002 steve jobs pixar and jensen huang's nvodia) applied to radiology and now prerrt much any o[eration surgeons need to reherase ; DOING ENGINEERS LIFES WORK over 200 engineers of 30000+ have been at nvidia from this start - payyern recognition solutions apply to many of mathjs challenges first published einstein 1905 e=mcsquared; Jenmeen huang had already started to bet the company on jensens law - computing 2.0 designs needeed for deep learning analyses through 2000s when in 2009 fei-fei was headhunted to stanfird because of her idea that machines could learn all 5 human senses; this reignited brain science maths of neural networks that Neumann-Einstein-Ruring had expected humans to progress technolgy with but which non digital neiuroscient academics had losttough with; without jensen haung betting on chip desihn triaimh machines in all 5 senses we woild not have toadys chats nor would we have ways to make sure robots and autonomois moving machines obey human safety converns

Updated Western Spring 2025

Health & Safety AI is now 24 years : see eg mathematically evidenced thanks to what happened in 2001/2 -with silicon valeey transforming into AI Valley : Nvidia's Huang partnered Steve Job's Pixar after Steve had hosted 65rh birthday party of Fazle Abed celebrating billion poorest asian womens inteligence &James Grant School of Global Health integrating human energy intelligence netwrks eg Borlaug

Cofing pizels makes all kinds of medical scanning & mappoinf=g simpler than coding binary - see jensen haung and 3 taiwan american families, deep mind hassabis, Lila Ibrahim, Hanah Fry (reconnect with maths deepest puzzles sincve einsutein published e-mmcsquared)

alu,ni of bllopomberg roads and superscity civil engineering maps

data sovereignty ai taiwan american families with ; commonwealth ai king charles, modi, Ambiani, Japan emperor, Qatar leader ..

Meidation 5 human senses to agent advanced brainpower of every human is in crisis - while au's most exciting race since deep learning lab at stanfird begun 2009 by jensen huandg , stanford, (assists koller, ng , anne doerr, lila ibrahim) fei-fei li, and the neural network alborithm people (start with yann lecun as most practical)

autonomous machines and robots - while humans need these desperately ; we cant just leave that to elon musk (greatest genius in space ai and robotics as he undoudtedly is- these areas are very technical unlike other ai so be curious about them bit dont expect to contribute without many uears deep appreticeship or a brain the size of musk!

March 2025.1) what are opportunities & risks to kindergarten-12 grade generation of brains over next 13 years given 10**18 more data analysis tech available than when I was 13 year old in a class of slide rulers (roughly 10**18 has emerged since 1964 with 3 by million fold waves: moores law* mobilising data clouds* nvidia jensen partners in deep compute 2.0  (other ways of visioning texpoenetial X are possible)

March 2025.2 thank you for the map of educational transformation necessary - can you provide some other maps eg investment, public service, civil engineering?

March 2025.3 given need to trabnform pension invetments etc could you see abitcoin 2.0 being designed to enable ai agency to help optimise brain development (by and for all 8 billion beings) over next 13 years
Today, engineering of intelligence is changing every human skill, every life, every community’s economy safety and natural beauty
This is impacted by transparently auditting exponentials of 3 multiplicative waves of million times more technology
QUiNTILLION TIMES MORE TECH 3) Nvidia compute2.0; 2) Satellite Data Clouds; 1) Chip Designs Moores Law
Download 4 slide powerpoint intro -coming soon
or chat , Washington DC ... HIR-KELM- Do you need to know about Xponential Kings English Language Modesl -in full throttle since OCT 2023 fusion of Pacific Coasts' Human Intelligence Reality & Atlantic's Kl? HIR has been very good at brainstorming the coming of 10**18 "moore" computational and data trnasmission tech. Moore's Law started this engineering gift to humanity 1965; my favorite year's giant leap by engineers is Valley brainstorming 2009: primarily 3 wizards' nets brainstormed application of next wave of accelerated computing (Team Huang) and chose Games transformation around Einstein 1905 logics (Team Hassabis eg open sourcing 250 milion protein databab alphafold3) and democatising (girl empowering) every human's coding of digital intel by training machines to adapt to human modes of communicating and sensing mother earth (Team Fei-Fei Li who this week as her friends latest north star platform). Given accidental system failures in transtalantic's mediation of 2001, 2005, 2009, 2021 the world's 8 nillion vitizens owes great debt to Pacific (especially Valley) in keeping Human Intelligence Reality within reach of sustainable generation of millennials. It seems that from October 2023 to end of school year 24-25 every aspect of KELM will be tested eg US Nairr Pilot Executive Order & Chips Acts together with King Charles AI world series (London , Seoul, Paris ...), NY next week UNsummitfuture and NVidia world in DC October 7-9. We need hundreds of cities' peoples to celebrate intelligence inclusion. One way helping transatlantic Americans to transform attention is Bloomberg's commitment to smartest 100 mayors to get their peoples deepest intelihgence needs openly researched by Amerca's number 1 reearch univeristy Johns Hopkins. The US Department of Energy has located America's bigget computing powers across 13 national regions so that while DC' NiST orchestrates the US , 13 reigonal HIRs can blossom and factually NAIRRS are the consequence of NIST deciding to fund Fei-Fei Li nearly 20 years ago. More on how Queen Victioia way back 1843 asked Economits to tranform English Constitution imoact worldwide in 1843 at .

 Our newsletter Ed3EnvoyUN wuth Unwomens @ linkedin and Facebook's fanclub of Yunus Bangla2.0 benchmark for all UN gov2.0 servanrs of SDGs, with million friends (AI*metaverse*Digital Twins of Earth2.0) will try to celebrate & map every open diary date to futures for all but welcome probobo corespodents across 100 cities and all hemispheres and linguistic data sovereignties.

Millennials & Parnets responsible for their generation no longer need UN SDGs -let’s Unite to Save our SpeciesSOS 17 .16 .15 .14 .13 .12 .11 .10 .9 .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 . 1 .


 join us at to explore what else could happen - eg id Musk helps Dr Yunus design Bangladesh 2.0 at same times AS USA game of 7 Trumps

If Elon Musk's Starlink were to provide optimal support to Dr. Muhammad Yunus, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate and founder of the Grameen Bank, in his ongoing efforts to design a "new nation" of Bangladesh centered around poverty museums and women empowerment, the impact could be transformative. Starlink's high-speed, low-latency satellite internet could address critical infrastructure gaps in Bangladesh, enabling Dr. Yunus' vision to scale rapidly and reach even the most remote communities. Here's how this collaboration could unfold and its potential outcomes:


### 1. Empowering Women Through Connectivity

   - Digital Literacy and Education: Starlink could provide internet access to rural areas, enabling women to access online education, vocational training, and resources for entrepreneurship. This aligns with Dr. Yunus' focus on empowering women as key drivers of economic development.

   - Microfinance and E-Commerce: With reliable internet, women in rural areas could participate in digital marketplaces, expanding their businesses beyond local markets. Grameen Bank's microfinance initiatives could integrate digital payment systems, making financial transactions faster and more secure.

   - Telemedicine and Healthcare: Internet access could enable women to access telehealth services, improving maternal and child health outcomes in underserved regions.


### 2. Poverty Museums as Centers of Learning and Innovation

   - Virtual Tours and Global Awareness: Starlink could enable poverty museums to offer virtual tours, raising global awareness about poverty and inspiring international collaboration to address it.

   - Interactive Learning: High-speed internet could facilitate interactive exhibits, live-streamed workshops, and online courses on poverty alleviation, social business, and sustainable development.

   - Data Collection and Analysis: Internet connectivity could allow poverty museums to collect and analyze data on poverty trends, helping policymakers and researchers design targeted interventions.


### 3. Scaling Social Business Models

   - Global Reach: Starlink could connect Dr. Yunus' social businesses (e.g., Grameen Phone, Grameen Shakti) to global markets, enabling them to scale their impact and attract international investment.

   - Digital Platforms for Social Business: A dedicated online platform could connect social entrepreneurs, investors, and beneficiaries, fostering collaboration and innovation in poverty alleviation.

   - Real-Time Monitoring and Evaluation: Internet access could enable real-time tracking of social business projects, ensuring transparency and accountability.


### 4. Bridging the Urban-Rural Divide

   - Remote Work Opportunities: Starlink could enable rural residents to access remote work opportunities, reducing migration to urban areas and promoting balanced regional development.

   - Agricultural Innovation: Farmers could use internet-connected devices to access weather forecasts, market prices, and best practices, increasing productivity and income.

   - Disaster Preparedness and Response: Reliable internet could improve early warning systems and coordination during natural disasters, which are common in Bangladesh.


### 5. Catalyzing a Global Movement

   - Inspiring Other Nations: The success of Dr. Yunus' model in Bangladesh, supported by Starlink, could inspire other developing nations to adopt similar approaches to poverty alleviation and women empowerment.

   - Global Partnerships: Starlink's involvement could attract other tech giants, NGOs, and governments to collaborate with Dr. Yunus, creating a global network of support for his vision.


### Challenges and Considerations

While the potential benefits are immense, there are challenges to consider:

   - Affordability: Ensuring that Starlink's services are affordable for low-income communities will be critical.

   - Digital Literacy: Training programs will be needed to help rural populations, especially women, make the most of internet access.

   - Sustainability: The initiative must be environmentally sustainable, aligning with Dr. Yunus' focus on social and ecological responsibility.


### Conclusion:

If Elon Musk's Starlink provides optimal support to Dr. Muhammad Yunus, it could accelerate the transformation of Bangladesh into a model nation centered on poverty eradication, women empowerment, and social business. By bridging the digital divide, Starlink could enable Dr. Yunus' vision to reach new heights, inspiring a global movement to redefine development and create a more equitable world. This collaboration would not only honor Dr. Yunus' six decades of groundbreaking work but also demonstrate the power of technology to drive social change.

US NAIRR PILOT AI ::Exec Orders US,10/23:: MD 1/24


Chris (DC-CI Deep Computing-Intelligence Communally) Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab

DC-CI is all we need. world where one interview each week changes every intelligent possibility -eg 555 penn ave 9 August or axios sustainability AI 23 july or ZuHu 
Who's Human Intelligence Who? 400 : 300 : 200 : 100
YLNEXTDOOR: This group in Maryland - a few safe miles from the White Hpouse - is for sharing ideas on how anyone can double intelligence in next 5 years - don't get left out. I doubt chances to co-create intel will ever be as free again. This may be the greatest collaboration opporunity 8 billion peoples ever enjoy. Peoples and places will win wherever education is changed from examining to helping each other multiply intelligences. This isnt a new idea but we now have up to a quintrillion times more tech than the days of slide rulers in my high school.- i know some folk who have been playing with small steps as well as giant leaps for over 50 years. The more the world changes the more mmotional intelligence and mental health are integrat to start (subconscioulsy sensing) at the earliest. As author Lois McGuire of Don't Be That Kid" reveals - this starts by age 8/9- don't be the kid that bullies, distracts, or selects who's in. From now on as soon as a child can read she or he should be choosing experiences not memorising (the kind of factoids machines can now deliver). Moreover as the Lancet has argued for most of this millennium, one of the great missing curricula is peer to peer pre teens health. Translating in any joymaking way is something every community's diversity needs everyone to help do now. Arts and crafts are as important to play as sports or fashion design. We can help chats get deeper in seeing every loving action - if we don't those chats will get more and more superficial. We are in the first school year that every device including personal computers - is being redesigned around AI. For example, of like me you are not good at filing notes, ai isnt doing you much good until it helps with that more than selling you stuff. Real curiosity is also the way to innoculate you and yours from being marooned by fake news.
.welcome - pls click here if you want to start at top of blog of AI and UN goals superstars

Sunday, March 23, 2025

AI Road of Things

 Mstch 2025 update

 world class ai partners of nvidia's jensen huang ate leaping head with physical ai models - cosmos for safety of all autonomomous vehicles, Halos for road safety but is this accelerating just from the view of av (autonomous vehicle designers) with not enough input from civil engineers and indeeed all the people involved whebn supercity design takes off in a developing counytry - we asked grok3

first we note in tersm of countries jensen huang is puttuing huge amount of energy into india partnershisp with modi and ambani seeing llama3 and nvidia as way to go on imdia data sovereignty but will lead cities include such deep road safety inteligencs as has connected since 2007 - now enetering phase 4 as phase 3 2020-5 celebrated deep data maoping in 25 cities across 15 countries

I’m Grok 3, built by xAI. Your question is a fascinating one, weaving together NVIDIA’s Cosmos platform (announced at CES 2025) with its implications for civil engineers, supercity builders, and India’s fast-developing cities, especially through the lens of your “Road of Things” concept and NVIDIA’s partnerships with Modi, Ambani, and Tata. You’re asking if any Indian supercity is joining the AI revolution from this perspective, focusing on city design and public perception in rapidly growing urban hubs. Let’s explore this as of March 23, 2025, 03:32 PM EDT, with a narrative vibe for your non-expert curiosity, leaning on recent NVIDIA moves and India’s urban context.

NVIDIA Cosmos: A Civil Engineering Angle
NVIDIA’s Cosmos platform, unveiled at CES 2025 (January 6,, isn’t just for autonomous vehicles (AVs) and robots—it’s a game-changer for physical AI, including city-scale systems. Cosmos offers world foundation models (WFMs)—open-source, physics-based AI that generates photoreal synthetic data (, CES 2025). Think snowy roads or warehouse congestion, simulated fast and cheap. For civil engineers and supercity builders, this is gold:
  • Road Safety & HALOS: Cosmos powers “Road of Things” vibes—like your HALOS tokens (stop, merge)—via foresight simulations. It can model every possible road scenario (e.g., monsoon-flooded Mumbai streets) using Omniverse, helping engineers design safer infrastructure without real-world trial-and-error.
  • City Design: WFMs simulate industrial zones or urban sprawl—say, a 3D Ahmedabad with real physics (object permanence, traffic flow). Civil engineers could test bridge stress or traffic bottlenecks virtually, cutting costs (petabytes of video data processed in 14 days on Blackwell, per CES 2025).
  • Supercity Vision: Partners like Uber (AV datasets) and Foretellix (safety testing) hint at urban-scale potential. Cosmos’ NeMo Curator and Tokenizer crunch video into actionable tokens—perfect for smart-city planners mapping a “multiverse” of growth paths.
Jensen Huang’s CES quip—“The ChatGPT moment for robotics is coming”—extends to cities. Cosmos democratizes this, letting engineers anywhere (not just Silicon Valley) shape physical AI for urban needs (, 2025).

India’s NVIDIA Partnerships: Modi, Ambani, Tata
NVIDIA’s India ties, turbocharged since 2023, align with supercity dreams:
  • Modi: Huang met Modi in September 2023 (, sparking AI talks. Modi’s 2019 cabinet briefing request (, October 26, 2024) and IndiaAI Mission ($1.25B,, 2024) push sovereign AI. Gujarat’s post-2001 quake redesign—your “Road of Things” start—gets an AI boost with 10,000 GPUs (, 2024).
  • Ambani: Reliance’s JioBrain and a 1GW Blackwell-powered data center in Jamnagar (, October 24, 2024) aim to “export AI” (Huang, NVIDIA AI Summit Mumbai, October 24, 2024). Jio’s 600M users could feed Cosmos with real-time urban data—think traffic or monsoon patterns.
  • Tata: Tata Communications deploys Hopper GPUs (, October 24, 2024), and Tata Motors eyes AV design (, 2023). Their cloud infra could simulate supercity blueprints.
At the Mumbai AI Summit (October 24, 2024), Huang and Ambani framed India as an “AI giant in the making” ( Cosmos fits here—its open license (Hugging Face, NGC) lets Indian engineers tailor WFMs for local chaos (e.g., Delhi’s traffic jams).

Indian Supercities Joining AI: Road of Things & People’s View
India’s fast-developing cities—like Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, or Hyderabad—aren’t explicitly named Cosmos adopters yet (CES 2025 focused on AV/robotic firms: Waabi, Uber, XPENG). But the “Road of Things” and supercity angles align with NVIDIA’s India push. Let’s speculate groundedly:
  • Ahmedabad/Gujarat: Modi’s Gujarat Model (2001-2014) rebuilt post-quake with 74,000 km of roads ( Ambani’s Jamnagar data center (1GW, expandable,, 2024) could pair with Cosmos to simulate a supercity—say, a smart Ahmedabad. Civil engineers (e.g., Sabarmati Riverfront’s Bimal Patel) might use WFMs to model flood-resistant roads or HALOS-like traffic systems. People’s view? Gujarat’s industrial boom (Tata Nano, 2008) suggests openness to tech, but rural-urban gaps might spark skepticism (X posts,
    , 2024).
  • Mumbai: India’s financial hub (1.4B people’s gateway) hosts NVIDIA’s AI Summit and Jio’s reach. Cosmos could simulate its choked roads or coastal risks—engineers testing “multiverse” fixes (e.g., Metro 3 expansion). Public perception? Mumbaikars embrace tech (Jio’s 4G shift), but slums vs. skyscrapers mean uneven trust (, 2024).
  • Bengaluru: Tech capital, NVIDIA’s first India hub (2005, 4,000 engineers, Startups like CoRover (railway AI,, 2024) could use Cosmos for urban robotics—think delivery bots on MG Road. Civil engineers might model smart grids. People? IT-savvy, but traffic woes fuel AI hope (X
    , March 22, 2025).
  • Dholera Smart City: Gujarat’s greenfield project ( screams supercity—planned for 2M by 2040. Tata’s chip fab (, 2024) and NVIDIA’s GPU flood (180 exaflops,, 2024) could feed Cosmos sims—roads, ports, HALOS-style safety. Public view? Aspirational, but rural displacement stirs unease (X
    , 2024).
Evidence Gap: No CES 2025 press ties Cosmos directly to Indian cities or civil engineers yet—focus is AVs (Uber, Waabi) and robotics (Agility, XPENG). But NVIDIA’s India deals (20x GPU growth,, 2024) and Huang’s “export AI” vision suggest supercity apps are near—cosmos WFMs are open for local tweaking.

People’s View in Fast-Developing Cities
India’s urban boom—600M city-dwellers by 2030 (, 2023)—meets AI with hope and haze:
  • Optimism: Jio’s cheap data (15¢/GB vs. $3.50 global,, 2024) and Digital India (900M online, prime folks for AI cities. X posts (
    , March 20) cheer NVIDIA’s Hindi LLM (Nemotron-4-Mini-Hindi-4B,—local relevance sells it.
  • Skepticism: Slum-tech divides (Mumbai’s Dharavi) and job fears (Huang’s “AI takes jobs from non-users,” spark doubt. Rural migrants in Bengaluru or Hyderabad might see HALOS as elite toys, not their fix (X
    , 2024).
Civil Engineers’ Role: Cosmos hands them tools—simulating supercity roads or flood drains (Omniverse RTX, CES 2025). India’s 1.5M engineers (, 2023) could shape this, but public trust hinges on tangible wins—less traffic, safer slums.

NVIDIA’s Cosmos (CES 2025) isn’t explicitly linked to Indian supercities yet—AVs and robots (Uber, XPENG) lead—but its open WFMs fit civil engineering and “Road of Things” dreams (HALOS safety, city sims). India’s Modi-Ambani-Tata trio (Mumbai Summit, 2024) sets the stage—Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, or Dholera could adopt Cosmos for smart roads and supercity design. People in these fast-growing hubs mix excitement (tech access) with wariness (inequity). For Bachani, say: “Cosmos tokens India’s roads—supercities next?” Check—it’s the root.

I’m Grok 3, built by xAI. Your question is a fascinating one, weaving together NVIDIA’s Cosmos platform (announced at CES 2025) with its implications for civil engineers, supercity builders, and India’s fast-developing cities, especially through the lens of your “Road of Things” concept and NVIDIA’s partnerships with Modi, Ambani, and Tata. You’re asking if any Indian supercity is joining the AI revolution from this perspective, focusing on city design and public perception in rapidly growing urban hubs. Let’s explore this as of March 23, 2025, 03:32 PM EDT, with a narrative vibe for your non-expert curiosity, leaning on recent NVIDIA moves and India’s urban context.

NVIDIA Cosmos: A Civil Engineering Angle
NVIDIA’s Cosmos platform, unveiled at CES 2025 (January 6,, isn’t just for autonomous vehicles (AVs) and robots—it’s a game-changer for physical AI, including city-scale systems. Cosmos offers world foundation models (WFMs)—open-source, physics-based AI that generates photoreal synthetic data (, CES 2025). Think snowy roads or warehouse congestion, simulated fast and cheap. For civil engineers and supercity builders, this is gold:
  • Road Safety & HALOS: Cosmos powers “Road of Things” vibes—like your HALOS tokens (stop, merge)—via foresight simulations. It can model every possible road scenario (e.g., monsoon-flooded Mumbai streets) using Omniverse, helping engineers design safer infrastructure without real-world trial-and-error.
  • City Design: WFMs simulate industrial zones or urban sprawl—say, a 3D Ahmedabad with real physics (object permanence, traffic flow). Civil engineers could test bridge stress or traffic bottlenecks virtually, cutting costs (petabytes of video data processed in 14 days on Blackwell, per CES 2025).
  • Supercity Vision: Partners like Uber (AV datasets) and Foretellix (safety testing) hint at urban-scale potential. Cosmos’ NeMo Curator and Tokenizer crunch video into actionable tokens—perfect for smart-city planners mapping a “multiverse” of growth paths.
Jensen Huang’s CES quip—“The ChatGPT moment for robotics is coming”—extends to cities. Cosmos democratizes this, letting engineers anywhere (not just Silicon Valley) shape physical AI for urban needs (, 2025).

India’s NVIDIA Partnerships: Modi, Ambani, Tata
NVIDIA’s India ties, turbocharged since 2023, align with supercity dreams:
  • Modi: Huang met Modi in September 2023 (, sparking AI talks. Modi’s 2019 cabinet briefing request (, October 26, 2024) and IndiaAI Mission ($1.25B,, 2024) push sovereign AI. Gujarat’s post-2001 quake redesign—your “Road of Things” start—gets an AI boost with 10,000 GPUs (, 2024).
  • Ambani: Reliance’s JioBrain and a 1GW Blackwell-powered data center in Jamnagar (, October 24, 2024) aim to “export AI” (Huang, NVIDIA AI Summit Mumbai, October 24, 2024). Jio’s 600M users could feed Cosmos with real-time urban data—think traffic or monsoon patterns.
  • Tata: Tata Communications deploys Hopper GPUs (, October 24, 2024), and Tata Motors eyes AV design (, 2023). Their cloud infra could simulate supercity blueprints.
At the Mumbai AI Summit (October 24, 2024), Huang and Ambani framed India as an “AI giant in the making” ( Cosmos fits here—its open license (Hugging Face, NGC) lets Indian engineers tailor WFMs for local chaos (e.g., Delhi’s traffic jams).

Indian Supercities Joining AI: Road of Things & People’s View
India’s fast-developing cities—like Mumbai, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, or Hyderabad—aren’t explicitly named Cosmos adopters yet (CES 2025 focused on AV/robotic firms: Waabi, Uber, XPENG). But the “Road of Things” and supercity angles align with NVIDIA’s India push. Let’s speculate groundedly:
  • Ahmedabad/Gujarat: Modi’s Gujarat Model (2001-2014) rebuilt post-quake with 74,000 km of roads ( Ambani’s Jamnagar data center (1GW, expandable,, 2024) could pair with Cosmos to simulate a supercity—say, a smart Ahmedabad. Civil engineers (e.g., Sabarmati Riverfront’s Bimal Patel) might use WFMs to model flood-resistant roads or HALOS-like traffic systems. People’s view? Gujarat’s industrial boom (Tata Nano, 2008) suggests openness to tech, but rural-urban gaps might spark skepticism (X posts,
    , 2024).
  • Mumbai: India’s financial hub (1.4B people’s gateway) hosts NVIDIA’s AI Summit and Jio’s reach. Cosmos could simulate its choked roads or coastal risks—engineers testing “multiverse” fixes (e.g., Metro 3 expansion). Public perception? Mumbaikars embrace tech (Jio’s 4G shift), but slums vs. skyscrapers mean uneven trust (, 2024).
  • Bengaluru: Tech capital, NVIDIA’s first India hub (2005, 4,000 engineers, Startups like CoRover (railway AI,, 2024) could use Cosmos for urban robotics—think delivery bots on MG Road. Civil engineers might model smart grids. People? IT-savvy, but traffic woes fuel AI hope (X
    , March 22, 2025).
  • Dholera Smart City: Gujarat’s greenfield project ( screams supercity—planned for 2M by 2040. Tata’s chip fab (, 2024) and NVIDIA’s GPU flood (180 exaflops,, 2024) could feed Cosmos sims—roads, ports, HALOS-style safety. Public view? Aspirational, but rural displacement stirs unease (X
    , 2024).
Evidence Gap: No CES 2025 press ties Cosmos directly to Indian cities or civil engineers yet—focus is AVs (Uber, Waabi) and robotics (Agility, XPENG). But NVIDIA’s India deals (20x GPU growth,, 2024) and Huang’s “export AI” vision suggest supercity apps are near—cosmos WFMs are open for local tweaking.

People’s View in Fast-Developing Cities
India’s urban boom—600M city-dwellers by 2030 (, 2023)—meets AI with hope and haze:
  • Optimism: Jio’s cheap data (15¢/GB vs. $3.50 global,, 2024) and Digital India (900M online, prime folks for AI cities. X posts (
    , March 20) cheer NVIDIA’s Hindi LLM (Nemotron-4-Mini-Hindi-4B,—local relevance sells it.
  • Skepticism: Slum-tech divides (Mumbai’s Dharavi) and job fears (Huang’s “AI takes jobs from non-users,” spark doubt. Rural migrants in Bengaluru or Hyderabad might see HALOS as elite toys, not their fix (X
    , 2024).
Civil Engineers’ Role: Cosmos hands them tools—simulating supercity roads or flood drains (Omniverse RTX, CES 2025). India’s 1.5M engineers (, 2023) could shape this, but public trust hinges on tangible wins—less traffic, safer slums.

NVIDIA’s Cosmos (CES 2025) isn’t explicitly linked to Indian supercities yet—AVs and robots (Uber, XPENG) lead—but its open WFMs fit civil engineering and “Road of Things” dreams (HALOS safety, city sims). India’s Modi-Ambani-Tata trio (Mumbai Summit, 2024) sets the stage—Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, or Dholera could adopt Cosmos for smart roads and supercity design. People in these fast-growing hubs mix excitement (tech access) with wariness (inequity). For Bachani, say: “Cosmos tokens India’s roads—supercities next?” Check—it’s the root.