helping peoples map trillion dollars economies that advance the human lot, expoentially across generations not in 90 day snatch and grabs washington dc -download 96th birthday brochure Norman Macrae top 50 Jobs Creators for SD generation many generations of my scottish diaspora family have focused on this- one of my two grandfathers sir kenneth kemp wrote up the legalese of india's independence after 25 years of dialogtue with mahatma gandhi my other grandfarher was studying to be a missionary in heidleberg germany when world war 1 broke out- bevause he spoke german he became a minor spy- after that he chose to serve in britsh consular all over europe- from stalins moscow to the last red sea town jews escaped hitler from- from travelling around with him my father learnt 3 things ablout the futires before he was 15 years old- the world needed to outlast hitler, the world eeded to loutalst stalin. to end world wars the world needed to remap trade beyond the colonial era designed so that the big 7 western g8 nations and japan extracted from almost everone else ( a few small trading natiosn exce;pted) my dad Norman Macrae, who served as a teenager naviagting planes over modernday bangaldesh and myanar studied the economics of ending poverty, and sub edited how technolgy could accelerate post colonial and post industrial maps of entrepreneuril revolution at te economist- he celebrated wherever he could win-win trade mosels between the two thirds of the world who are asia and the rich western natuons and everywhere else the good and the sad news of mapping trillion dol;ar sustaiability goals economics is they dont use television adveristisng and they dont lobby top down politicians- my father explained how big agovernment and big corporations could not be the main economics models for millennils to be the sustainability gaols generation in as serues of Entrepreeurial Revoltion economists started in 1976 at The Economist and which i helped write up the fieldbook of in 1984's 2025 report- earlier his surveys in The Economist from 1962 he had helped celebrate every asian model starting with japan for desiging win-win trades worldwide- good NEWS came mostly from Easter and suthern hemkisplheres in uniting sustaipnable world yrades while satellite tech landing oj earth in www and mobile devices acceleratewd how all people becamse global as well as local dad dies in 2010 so 2020 sees variuous leaflet and roundtab;le conversations celebrating his work: most combine stories of top 100 world record jobs creators and celebrate livelihood education systems in which teachers want children to do mission impossible work - soon we will have trillion times more etch than man raced to the moon with- are we helping children to use that lovingly as well as to solve the greatest needes different pleoples and places have here are some samples -if you want to help i am at washigtin dc mobile whats app wechat +1 240 316 8157 linkedin unwomens family twitters 1 2 3 4 |
Chris Macrae - everyone lifelong student and teacher Washington DC Mobile & WhatsApp 1 240 316 8157 Linkedin UNwomens updated UN SDG -12 week 1 TO STUDENT UNIONS IN UNIS THAT VALUE YOUTH LIVELIHOODS & SDGS hi - if you see something you like either just use it to start discussions ohn how your livelihoods linkin the sustainability generation or whats app chat with us (usa) 240 316 8157 we invite student union clubs to use our materials , co-blog them -vote for world record jobs creators -if you could know first waht one person suggest you learn who would it be - why does the worfld have millions of diferent teachers of sustainability -when both teachers and students could have some common stgarting points with cases provided by WRJC like- 1 Jack Ma? #BR0 1 Sir Fazle Abed? #BR2 Nilekani Chief Designer of India's Billion Person Identity #BR2 Elon Musk Moon Jae-In Xi Jinping who has done most to inspire our mapping of 13 regions world social trade zones ( -unlike some american first ;poliuticians we see these maps as reversing 500 yeras of colnisatuion- something mainly the Bruts did to south and eastern asia and which as Scots friends from Adam Smith onwards have been trying to return to a happy and epaceful world where girls havce a geeat chance of life whever they are born #BR6 N America From g5 age on we eblieve that over 80% of livelihooda are colabirative - eg no one country can green the world- solutions need replicating across all communities; and this can nly hapen with a sea chnage in education (first storied in 1984) through which everyone can be a lifelong tecaher as well as lufelong stdent- we see no eartly ;point in G5 or any of the other investment in 4000 times Moore coms tech 2030 versus 1946 unless life and planet critical information is shared by smart media apps and happiny inquistive girls and boys where there teachers wil have as much to relearn as any teenager leading sustainability goals Pope Francis Prince Charles The Quadir Brothers Jerry Yang at Silicon Valley or Ted Leonsis In DC or the founder of Softbank Japan Blecher family- founders of Free University and Maharishi Institute S Africa by 13 regions which corerspnd to sharing the worlds Belt Caostlines and cinteuntal grids - see eg our UNwomens linkedin #BR0 China, #BR2 S Asia, #BR1 Mynamar & Asean, #BR11 Arctic Circle, #BR9 Africa #BR8 med refugee sea nations #BR7 Mid East #BR5 w.europe #BR10 LatinAM #BR6 N America #BR3 Russia #BR4 E.Europe BR12=BRUN here are some extracts from recent UNwoemns linkedin briefings
UN celebrates sdg mission impossible last 12 class years to 2030 . Good news: some economists started asking sustainability goals' digitally accelerating collaboration quiz at time of moon landing. First nation that Entrepreneurial Revolutionaries reported from was south africa in 1968 -if you need a missing survey and love other peoples nations - my family can try to help or join a co-blog celebrating those who unite nations in celebrating youth livelihoods eg Bravo #BR5 Class 13
here are some of the rest of the ERworldwide timeline as it emerged through annual updates
surveys pre moon landing .1962 Consider Japan:: 1967 Japan Rising part 2.1 :: Changing Russia - Survey led by Norman Macrae The Mustard Seed The Economist. Saturday, 1 June 1963.Pages 16,17. Vol 207, issue 6249. :: The Eco 25 Sept 1965 vol 216 issue 6370:The Economist. Saturday, 25 September 1965. Page 3. Vol 216, issue 6370. No Christ on The Andes - What's Gone Wrong? (ie before anyone other than yoko ono would imagine dreaming of 4000 times moore connectivity
first Entrepreneurial Revolution surveys pre-personal computing age 72 the NEXT 40 YEARS :: 1977 survey China :: Asian Pacific Century 1975-2075 1976's Coming Entrepreneurial Revolution
second wave of ER surveys as it was clear that pcs would lead both to worlkdwide web and fall of berlin wall during the 1980s 1982 We're All Intrapreneurial Now 82 why not silicon valley for all

Jim Kim (Youth) World Bank DC -alumni web
Sir Fazle Abed - BRAC Dhaka
George Soros - OpenSoc and INETe Budapest NY London
Muhammad Yunus - Dhaka and Atlanta - stories of banking for 51% w1
AROUND WORLD RECORD JOB CREATION IN 80 SECONDS Kim and Sir Fazle believe that good health and open education develop strong economies and safe banking not vice versa;
| |
Asian Millennials
How do world's poorest women build health service networks? BRAC health net, ..Kim health net
African & Euro Millennials
Americas Milennials
| prioritise women and youth valuations of what borderless livelihoods and sustainable communities are for; they agree with keynes that uniting the human race to end poverty is the most exciting goal in the world of 2015-2030 | |
Gandhi Family -city montessori lucknow
-real school and family loving city-wide revolutions
Elearning platforms: khan (san francisco), yazmi (african and asian continent satellites), OLC DC ...
Missing curricula Blecher & south-african global partners; mandela elders, branson, google...
The web's 2 most amazing connectors - berners lee and mit (boston) alumni , MA and china's sustainable business networks
| - and the unique entrepreneurial revolution purpose that the net generation has first ever chance of celebrating. However they are also deep cultural realists aware of systemic risks of racing to a borderless world as George Soros has often been earliest to help peoples map through open society and rethink economics from ground up- yunus is change world's most cheerful concept brainstormer making many creative agents of the mass tv era look flatfooted. We seek to mediate empowerment 3 millennial groups and women - valuing the 2030now pro-youth governance drivers of accountability, transparency and collaboration. Open education is the greatest of all open source opportunities. The bottom row links into 4 entrepreneurial revolutions of job creating education that Norman Macrae Foundation with Economist readers and leaders and youth has been debating since 192 when we first saw students experiments with elearning networks (UK National Development Project of Computer Assisted Learning) |
Why are The joint winners of millennials Unacknowledged Giant Award 2015-2030 Jim Kim and Sir Fazle Abed?. It may sound contradictory to nominate the head of the largest NGO BRAC and the most humanly motivated bank for this award. But UG's Keynsian open systems/society valuation of ending poverty leads to this 2030now criterion: awareness by every job creating teacher and every person whose alumni web links in professionals aged 25-35. By this criteria Jim Kim and Sir Fazle are the most undervalued connectors of goodwill according to 43 years of searching for net generation entrepreneurial revolution - but we are always delighted to hear of your votes on what information you feel we have not seen - - more on JK and FA |
![]() |
dc -world bank meeting on open learning campus our fan web on OLC is at new york meeting in fashion4development to honor the world's number 1 job creator, open educator and collaborator in race to end poverty helping my 12th grader find a college worthy of her future -further ref fantasy diary of sur fazle abed- are these the most valuable rumors to spread of sir fazle's end september diary? [9:18:29 AM] chrismacraedc: the last week of september will be a usually busy time for the leader of the world's largest and most collaborative ngo - in new york it is rumored he will receive women laureates greatest award (our fan web will keep track of this best news for 51% of the world ) up around MIT networks he is likely to accelerate partnerships in the 4 most advanced areas of mobile leapfrogging cashless banking - tech wizards of same team as mpesa elearning -with a priority focus on neraly free nursng colleges a joint interest of paul farmer at brigham womens hospital and partners in health emarkets (of which the world leader is jack ma in china but mit with its dlab, media lab and tim berners lee can help millennials search more collaboratively than anywhere I know of) e-energy -well solar energy really took off in the villages due to 2 couplinsg with mobiles in the villages- such mobile connectivity is needed for the logistics of microfranchisers of solar energy- one of villagers most valuable uses of electricity is powering up their mobile connectivity with the world Diary of remembrance parties since father's (norman macrae) death 2010 hosted by The Economist hosted by principal of glasgow univerity hosted by taddy blecher - - and free entrepreneur universities of africa -with connections to maharishi empowerment metwhods of self from india hosted by japan ambassador to tokyo with sir fazle abed to consider japan, china and bangladesh . | From my viewpoint as a Cambridge University MA in statistics, I was privileged to enjoy 2of the most exciting jobs in the world between 1972 and 1984
Youth Capitalism - By Chris Macrae Inspired by Many Generations of Entrepreneurial Economists and The Economist's Norman Macrae CBE (known to me as dad) Graduating with MA in mathematical statistics from Cambridge University (Corpus Christi College in summer 1973) I have made my focus market models - how to exponentially sustain future freedom of markets so that they help improve 99% of future generation's livelihoods. This is one of 2 "opposing" schools of economists, ideologists and future system designers - see joyful pro-youth economists such as what eg Moral Sentiments of Adam Smith, James Wilson , Maynard Keynes (especially last 3 pages of General Theory and last chapter of essays in persuasion), Schumacher, Yunus, Soros Open Society, Boulding, various Japanese leaders of 1960s to help children all over the planet design systems they need to communally grow up with and use the www collaboratuvely. Some lucky breaks in improving my understanding of auditing trillion dollar markets (those whose purposes are most life critical ) include: 1973-1976 practicing in the most calue multiplying of all netgeneration markets of future: open education -uk national develoment project of computer assieted learning - what we learnt in those days of experimenting with thousands of students still hasnt been designed into any digital education or community of practice -tell us who your education heroines and heroes are we try and keep notes at (let us send you an invitation if you wish to co-edit notes on job creating educators)
My family's 6 generations of mediationing community and cross-cultural projects starts with helping majority of Scots to emigrate in early 19th century, connects with 25 yeras or arbitration with mahatma Gandhi, links the last three quarter of a century of the 175th birthday of The Economist to be celebrated in 2018 - designed round purspoe of ending hunger and ending capitl abuse of youth. Thyere is no logical reason why worldwide youth of 2010s shouldnt be enjoying the most productive and colaboratuive time- wherever that is not so the media and macroeconomic system errors being spun are greatest maths errors the human race has ever been traped in. |
FIRST MILLION YOUTH MOOC words that I value most are collaboration - hence Massive Open Online Collaboration - MOOC is my favorite thing to link youth into- please note the greatest pro-youth economics course starts on coursera 1 sept 2013 7 wonders of pro-youth 21st C 7 clicks to the world of designing 10 times more productive and collaborative youth futures -coursera sept1 ; brAC number 1 collaboration net in ending poverty and celebrating job creating edu anytime; khanAC anytime; CIDA Africa's free Uni; anything social jack ma is up to next out of china; boston especially mit and partners in health - 7 you tell us RSVP Norman Macrae Youth Foundation washingtin dc region hotline 1 301 881 1655 -leadership search web 7 wonders Entrepreneurial Revolution Thinkpad - trillion dollar sectors whose purposes need to be pro-youth if net generation is to be the best of times not orwell's big brothers worst of times
back in 1972 my first job helped youth experiment with early digital learning networks ; my dad norman macrae saw this as the greatest entrepreneurial revolution ever- far more significant than steam's industrial revolution - ![]() he spent the rest of his life debating Entrepreneurial Revolution in The Economist trying to make the coming of the internet the greatest pro-youth change the world had ever liberated- the exact opposite of the tv age which he rated as the dumbest most bossy and least purposeful communications man had developed- whether tv had to become one of the top 20 anti-youth monopolies is an interesting debate but the way [oliticians and commerce that cheapens every human motivation used tv has brought us to many brand reality crises - see triple issue of journal of arketing management that I guest edited in 1999 as a summary of what whole truth purposes got lost during second half of 20th century - more webs on this - valuation consequences - what purpose could each global market sustain or destroy youth with; Goog doesnt tell you I come from several generations of maths people interested in how do we design futures our children most need investment in; I have mostly researched media, education and entrepreneurial economics - especially extreme innovation empowered out of every community I do not believe that a media platform that shouts its social is very often - so facebook being my number 2 google is ironic -stillI don't want to close down being identified with microeconomics sidebars are extremely interesting when they are designed to be alongside every message you write- so whats your sidebar ENTREPRENEURIAL REVOLUTION NETWORK BENCHMARKS 2011-20 : Remembering Norman Macrae
best million-youth moocs hosted by economists
------------- discuss valuation video ![]() this eition is a souvenir copy circulated at The Economist Boradroom Remembrance party to Norman Macrae Fall 2010 hottest youth-spring question of our life and times-can online education end youth unemployment for ever? yes but only if you help map how! moocyunus launches youtube competition -what would purpose of youth's favorite free online university be? join blog of moocyunus Online Archives at The Economist- when first seeing youth experiment with digital networks in 1972, Season's most urgent collaboration debates: next 100 million jobs nursing 42nd year of 7 wonders if thinkpad of The Economist's genre of Entrepreneurial Revoution 40 years of notes from archives of entrepreneurial revolution 1-7 a... help catalogue top 100 microfranchises help catalogue 100 short videos on right old muddle of anti-youth economists.. Dad (Norman Macrae) created the genre Entrepreneurial Revolution to debate how to make the net generation the most productive and collaborative . We had first participated in computer assisted learning experiments in 1972. Welcome to more than 40 years of linking pro-youth economics networks- debating can the internet be the smartest media our species has ever collaborated around? ![]() Foundation Norman Macrae- The Economist's Pro-Youth Economist 5801 Nicholson Lane Suite 404 Rockville MD 20852 tel 301 881 1655 email Main Project webs including as lead open education partner of mandela elders and branson 2013 = 170th Year of The Economist being Founded to End Hunger 2010s = Worldwide Youth's most productive and collaborative decade ![]() ![]() world favorite moocs-40th annual top 10 league table
![]() send votes to , Macrae Foundation
![]() archives at The Economist ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Number 1 in Economics for Youth
online library of norman macrae - The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant -
![]() ![]() ![]() videos 1 2 -fansweb NMFoundation- youth projects - include yunuschoolusa ![]() ![]() ![]() dannyboyle chrispatten butler-sloss marianowak tomhunter MYunusgeorgesoros bernerslee michael palin ![]() ![]() Timeless ER from The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant (aka dad Norman Macrae) A b c ;;1997 a;;; 1983 a ;;;1976 a b;;; 1972 a ;;; 1962 a 1956 a - correspndence with optimistic rationalists always welcome - | Help needed to breakthrough the top 20 anti-youth mono0plies that we have diarized in The Economist and elsewhere over the first 40 years of experiments with online education -2013 is a happy year as the 4 education monopolies -what's taught at what cost, what's researched, what's examined at what cost, what is accredited at what cost - are being broken through by millions of youth at a time -to see open education breakthroughs in maths go here to see open education breakthroughs in knowing enough about health to be communalloy invaluable go here and here -help us research the other top 10 breakthroughs killions of youth need most next - economics starts here and here on 1 sept 2013
Foundation Norman Macrae- The Economist's Pro-Youth Economist
5801 Nicholson Lane Suite 404 Rockville MD 20852 tel 301 881 1655
Project webs
2013 Year of MOOC &170th Year of The Economist being Founded to End Hunger
2010s = Worldwide Youth's most productive and collaborative decade
![]() Story : Norman's Last public birthday party age 85 was hosted at Royal Automobile Club with Muhammad Yunus as chief guest- Norman Macrae Foundation arranged for 2000 yunus social business book club to be sampled free around worldwide youth and provided the support needed for two birthday wish parties - dr yunus 69th in Dhaka june 2009 and Scottish interdependence weekend celebrating dr yunus 70th birthday wishes in Glasgow 4 July 2010 - one of dr yunus' wishes was a journal f social business- to date over 10000 issues have been sampled physically- download your free online copy by clicking above -log up intercity sightings you think woulod make yunus proud at ; help us trach yunus main worldwide leadership partners at NMYF has arranged 10 visits to Bangladesh since 2007 enabling dozens of edgy youth entrepreneurs yo part6icpate- we have sample 10000 free dvds of what yunus co-workers invite you to collaborate on - our greatest discovery was hosted during a NM remembrance party at the Japanese Embassy in 2012 - there we linked in withy some of Bangaldesh's greatest youth open technology wizards and educational networks - to catch up with collaborations linking in with that please go to -or if replicating any of Bangaldesh's 200 open microfranchises for ending poverty is important for communities where you network - please contact norman macrae foundation and wherever possible we will link you into the deppest practice leaders of particular microfranchsi9e solutions Or if you wish to co-host a norman macrae entrepreneurial revolutionary rembranc party to massively increase collaboration in your locality please tell us Foundation Norman Macrae- The Economist's Pro-Youth Economist 5801 Nicholson Lane Suite 404 Rockville MD 20852 tel 301 881 1655 email ![]()
Please suggest ways I can use my time to accelerate massive pro-youth collaborations especially in open education washingtin dc hotline 1 301 881 1655
August -90 minute interview with Rheingold in san francisco ; help form conscious capitalism chapter DC; interviewed some mooc youthy at MIT Boston; entered into MOOC competitiuon debriefing UCal Irvine next month; waiting for feedback on white paper on how BRAC can most help the MOOC world of youth September 6th time judging a pan-state yunus social business competition - this time in new Hampshire; expecting to make 11th trip to Bangladesh as at august 2013 google chris macrae and you would see this
Any time
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Washington, DC
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when in Bangla people I need to understand better : dad, daughter - refer to MOOC at bllog on how an of youth's 10000 greatest job creators will come from education? to help research other practices that will contribute to youth's 10000 greatest job creators please join us at
![]() | week 1 introduction | week 2 | week 3 | week 4 | week 5 | week 6 recommendations on what to collaborate around actioning next | ||
10 Curriculum of Net Generation Futures 1975-2025
![]() ![]() | Introduction- my father Norman Macrae at The Economist and I, Chris Macrae ,shared a live changing moment in 1972 when we first saw 500 youth sharing knowledge online around an early digital network. Father coined the genre Entrepreneurial Revolution in The Economist to debate the future leaders' compound consequences of this greatest communictaion revolution ever to connect one generation of the human race. I went to work for 4 years at The UK National Development Project for Computer Assisted Learning. Week 2 looks at lessons from our first 10 years of debating whether the net generation would be the most productive time to be alive. It is based on our book written in 1982 and first published in English in 1984 to provide an alternative tour to the future to Orwell's big brother endgame. My father had been mentored by Keynes immediately afer world war 2 that economists were only capable nof compounding two opposite outcomes - designing or destroying the futures that 99% of parents most want for their next generation. He spent his life optimistically editing pro-youth economic ways of valuing purposes of man-led systems. In particula,r his book on the Net Generation focuses on 7 wonders - markets whose purposes would most be to be freed to sustain invetsment in 21st C youth around heroic collaboration goals and sustainable integration of millions of communities into a globalisation that multiplied hi-trust as well as hi-tech. | ...............................................................what we learnt at The Economist 1975-1985 Potentiallly planet-shatering risks to the net generation which we chaptered in our book included: Lack of sufficiently open systems Failure to prioritise man's greatest risk being the discrepancies between incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations Seeing web as an extension of advertising instead of an the smartest media opportunity to transform education Failing to blend emotions of human and machine intelligence in such a way that technolgy is celebarted for creating new more exciting jobs. In particular not transforming from industrial age scarcity of things that ger consumed up to knowledge whose economy has abundance because knowhow can multiply value in use Not valuing nature's evolutionary invitation to design systems that are bottom-up and open, instead of the way industrial age drifted towards top-down and closed especially as the west's "democracies" started to drown in tv advertsing spots during 3rd quarter of 20th C (the exact opposite of free markets let alne free speech as Adam Smith had intended) | what we learnt at world class brands 1985-1995 My work during 1980s was mainly with market models developed at MIT. I helped test a wide range of the world;s largest new products as corprations started to go global in their decision-making power. Remember that back in 1980 the fastest way a mulinational company could share written knowledge was on paper ticketape pumped out by telex machines- whereas by 1990 digital info networks were being installed into the bigegst corporates. We discovered ever bigger gaps between ad age's global imaging and the purposes that local societies most wanted market categories to sustain. Thats why we published how to charter the search for greatest organisational purposes - who in the world would uniquely miss what if this organsisation, network or market either didnt exist or wasnt led pursposefully?Recently Whole Foods CEO has revitalised the quest for purpose inviting ceos to join in benchmarking conscious capitalism >Whole Foods wastes next to nothing onh tv advertsising empowering it to celebrate through communiti9es a trio of whole purposes -kidsfoundation, planetfoundation as well as nutritious foods. | what we learnt at trillion dollar audit 996-2005 Trillion Doloar markets greatest risks are not systems that are too big to fail but ones that are too big to exist. even if you have catalogued the most brilliant methods of faciitating massiive co-innovation, systems get over-trumped by what metrics are audited and rewarded most often. I spent the 1990s in world's largest manageent consultants and ad agencies- shockingly they had no audits of multi-win models needed to transform to a borderless age let alone any whole truth valuations of the greatest purposes that value exchanges of productivities and demands need to exponentially sustain if parents are going to successfully invest in next generation out of every community | what we learnt from milennium goal summits 2005-2015 Fater.s 1984 work had predicted 2005 as year when man recognised its greatest risk as discrepancies in incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations even as virtual worlds of productivity make nation's borders the riskiest wherever externalisation economics rules. So this is our decade from learning from the greatest grassroots system designers and mobilising of open tech. Dad's last articles were written in 2008 after 85th birthday celebration guested by Muhammad Yunus. The Consider Bangladesh brochure is one we use to celebrate remembrance parties of dad- 3 so far in different hemisphers since Norman's oarting in 2010 Where we value "greatest" as gravitating round life critical needs including maximising prodiuctve lifetimes of all 7 billion beings | next steps | ||
1 Curriculum - 6 weeks tour of world's most collaborative NGO BRAC 6 week guided tours curricula to other exciting collaboration ngos - eg grameen, jamii bora ; guide to what you and youth would most celebrate showing Nobel Laureate Muhamad Yunus if he visited your city or region | ||||||||
2 curriculum of youth entrepreneur in 2010s decade necessary for worldwide youth can be more productive, sustainable and heroic than ever before thanks to million times more collaboration tech than when man raced to moon | ||||||||
3 curriculum of bottom-up green energy including clean water and go beyoind carbon waste value chain | ||||||||
4 transparency curriculum of compound risk in a borderless world | ||||||||
5 curriculum of financial literacy | ||||||||
6 curriculum of open nursing, mobilising extremely affordable healthcare | ||||||||
7 curriculum of value chains of food including food security, nutrition | ||||||||
8 curriculum of asian pacific collaboration century begun in The Economst 1976 | ||||||||
9 curriculum of uniting human race around millennium goals networking begun in 1984 book mapping next 49 years | ||||||||
... | ||||||||
11 curriculum of jobs competitions | ||||||||
12 curriculum to nation's most collaborative entrepreneurial investments in community broadband | ||||||||
Since 1972, when dad at The Economist and I first saw hundreds of young people sharking knowhow around a digital network, we have been pssionate about valuing leaders who see 2010s is humanity's most exciting decade - things will go very well if we can massively and openly invest in youth's most exciting (productive and sustaiable) uses of million times more collaboration technology than any previous generation. However as a statistician who has worked on large media projects, I see an increasing gap between the purposes most of 7 billion people need the largest trillon dollar markets to locally serve and what purpsoes world's largest organsaitions are being governed around. Dialogues on this exponential crisis of compound opportunity and risk have been animated since 1972 in The Economist around the genre of Entrepreneurial Revolution. Here is part of my 2013 diary that I can already map -great to join in with your if we can share any youth win-win interests
ENTREPRENEURIAL REVOLUTION NETWORK FUTURE-NOW 2020-2011 : Remembering Norman Macrae![]() ![]() ![]()
Number 1 in Economics for Youth
online library of norman macrae - The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant -
![]() ![]() videos 1 2 -fansweb NMFoundation- youth projects - include yunuschoolusa ![]() ![]() ![]() | 2013 Q1 Alabama 18 January update 4th state to empower winnng youth of yunus entrepreneur competitions with all the relevant resources public education system can offer February mainly debriefing with MIT networks advancing MOOCs and MIT100k global challenges March energy. open tech and education dialogues with Bangladesh's 42 years of leaders of bottom-up and collab networking- links across Entreprenurial Revolution's most passionate leaders with support of Japan et al. Invitation every way we can to China to join in
Norman Macrae Foundation & NMfound education and journalism projects since 2008; a NM found leadership valuation project since 1988
5801 Nicholson Lane Suite 404 N.Bethesda MD 20852Tel 301 881 1655 email -helping youth live up to future history charters such as: We Create What We Want. We wanted to go to the moon, so we went there. We achieve what we want to achieve. We accept that poverty is part of human destiny. It’s not! We believe we can create a poverty-free world. We need to invent ways to change our perspective. We can reconfigure our world if we can reconfigure our mindset. . Social business will be a new kind of business, making a difference in the world. Human beings are a wonderful creation embodied with limitless human qualities and capabilities. Entrepreneurs are not one-dimensional human beings, dedicated to maximizing profit. They are multi-dimensional: political, emotional, social, spiritual, environmental. The desire to do great things for the world can be a powerful driving force Young people dream about creating a perfect world of their own. Social business will give them a challenge to make a difference by using their creative talent. Let us join hands to unleash our energy and creativity. Collectively, we can create a poverty-free world.”Source : | 2013Q2 review what mandela partners of free university wish to celebrate next- first test run in breaking down silos all over washington dc so that youth's most exciting ideas are mediated and where appropriate funded map top 10 networks converging on call for microeducationsummit including survey of which embassies wish to emerge an association for actioning orahanages as job-creating hubs wherever orphan networks can play a large part in youth's future productivity continue to engage any DC institute that is bringing bottom-up transparency mapping to value chains of which is claimed to be signature movement of Obama 2.1 | 2013Q3 | 2013Q4 | Resources of Future Historians and Pro-Youth economists RESOURCES of The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant
Social Imoact Bond Model
| |
Convergences2015 Year 7
| ||
MIT entrepreneur netwiorks
Youth1000 Job Creation Brainstorms
Green Billion Jobs include
*Energy*Sustainable agriculture, fish, water*Zero waste, zero carbon Power of photosynthesis has barely been accesses Positice biotech - see also paul nurse vision for london as world centre of good biotech | Deep community Billion Jobs include*Edu to be microentrepreneur*Heath/well being/nutrition knowhow*Celebrating Crosscultural and peace heroines in community*Artisan value chains celebrating local handicrafts or diversity of ingredients*Compound errors of the last 60 years of western macroeconomics has wrongly leveraged youth's futures; the least we could do is make youth's millennium goals central to investments and their productive lifetimes | 1 million times more collaborative Tech bilion jobs include*Distributed profession-in-village*Replicating anything digitally coded - eg jack ma -million whiteboxes of ebay*Totally new process economics- eg digital cash*Smartest of media and edu worlds not dumbest of both*Bringing down degrees of separation (digital divides) on life critical or market pricing sensitive knowhow- revolutions of isolated countries- see eg new zealand*Changing value chain so smallest can aim at quality*Abundancy economics- eg most knowledge multiplies value in use unlike clarity of consuming things up |
The rich countries of the world are probably going to go into balance of payments deficits with the poor ones. Most of our international financial mechanisms are prepared for the opposite. Are multinational companies going to be an efficient means of exporting capital around the world? There is a fine old muddle about this arising out of a lack of discrimination between the effects of a) different countries' balances of payments, and b) the mobilisation of savings. The consequences will be important for the future of banking business over the next two to four decades. It may even be that on this unexpected hinge that the fate of the whole interantional economic system will swing.
The Next 40 Years 1972-2012, Norman Macrae The Economist
I am pretty sure my dad had a method not luck. If anyone finds it before I do, hope you will share.
chris writes: what sort of knowleddge-doings do you most like to multiply : me Media, knowledge-trusts, and ending risks- taster of my knowledge multiplying period at EU 2001-2004:
uniofstars.ppt - PowerPoint Presentation File Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - View as HTMLChris Macrae/ 1. Peacemaking brand architecture. an unusual case study. My PROBONO networking project for next 5 years ... - Similar► UPDATE 2010 | 1. [PPT] Living System Flows - KnowledgeBoardFile Format: Microsoft Powerpoint - Quick ViewThis work also connects with the future history shifts of networking economies and societies first published as Norman Macrae's 2024 Report in 1984 whilst ... Update | 1. Grassroots Evaluation of Intellectual Capital of Nations ...Jan 13, 2004 ... Author: Chris Macrae; Publisher: KnowledgeBoard; Date: 13-Jan-04 ... Chris Macrae Open the third spaces every way we can - Update, | Valuing Trust Joy, & Organising Human Systems - Starting to Know ...Author: Chris Macrae; Publisher: KnowledgeBoard; Date: 07-Jun-03; Categories: Emotional Intelligence, Knowledge Angels; Sections: - | #032 - Knowledge Management : An Overview - KnowledgeBoardJun 19, 2002 ... NHS, Manon van Leeuwen of Fundecyt, Chris Macrae of Valuetrue, ... Again from Chris Macrae, in Communities and Cooperation, CORE DOCUMENTS: |
My exponential purpose in 2010s To network with leaders like Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus to see if we can make 2010s most exciting decade - the one in which we sustain the world by changing economics
What should an optimistic maths and media guy like me do with an obsession that has grown on me since 1976 thanks to 2 people : dad and muhammad yunus with special gifts for microeconomics and entrepreneurial revolution:- the 2010s is the most exciting decade to be on earth because its the time when the net generation will irreversibly design globalisation to compound one of 2 opposite futures –
1 where productive jobs grow and grow as our race unites in ensuring a future where no child is born into a place where their her life is stilted by poverty or wars or families and communities are so mentally or physically sick that there is neither chance of education nor healthy development ;
2 the other -Orwell's Big Brother scenario also voiced by many system thinkers including Einstein and von neumann- where good jobs are increasingly destroyed because technology is valued as investment that replaces human beings and what is actually happening is our species has turned against investing in the future of youth- a compound disaster already emerging in richer world’s walled streets, madoff venues, and collapsing euros as well as well as making the life of the poorest girls in the world even worse than it ws before today’s most wonderful technology existed
STRENGTH 1976-2004 has proven 10 times more economical community models exist for all life critical service needs if we choose to network them sans frontiers
| WEAKNESS - we have not helped youth to use the net and worldwide interactive freedoms to replicate sustainability solutions; and intergenertionally we are not well prepared for - let alone investing in - 2010s defining economics challenge- will we use the new tech to create jobs or destroy jobs at an expoentially acceleraring rate? | OPPORTUNITY- engaged the world's more resourced organistionl systems and owners of the wondrous technologies- look at what collaboration partnerships can do and celebrate | THREAT - transform old 20th century professions that use "separation" rules and who value things as investments not people and who use tv media to dumb down not educate and who make boundaries between countries the greatest compuound risks. The maps we need in 2010s help peoples integrate a world where collabortion can empower people to be 10 times more productive than zero-sum governance and bring down degrees of separation on all life critical knowhow |
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As a MA in Statistics University of Cambridge I have spent my life collecting huge amounts of data and then turning these into mapping games (and models) enabling leaders and communities to make different decision choices than they otherwise would. Some of these time periods ran concurrently : 5 years spent trying to understand Bangladesh Social Business Models... I would try and collaborate with anyone seriously concerned about 2010s being sustainability's decade with all to play for regarding future generations - a decade far more entrepreneurially exciting than the moon race humans united round in the 1960s - see eg for some scenarios that seem to me minimal goals for us to map and network round now. | 6 years spent on the behavioural interactions of computer assisted learning; I also worked with my father (microeconomist at The Economist for 40 years) co-authoring The 2024 Report in 1984 (published year later in USA as 2025 Report)- would the net generation sustain or destroy the world's future?- both global sysetm exponential trajectories being possible depending on whether Wall Street macxroeconomics continues to shred the peoples community economics and creative rights to jobs as microentrepreneurs - there is little probability of an in between endgame; mo0re at | 20 years spent on professional and transparency crises in valuing intangibles and global brand leadership/partnerships; 15 years spent collecting data on deepest social needs of thousands of markets in over 40 countries particularly in Asia, Europe USA; more at |
System Crisis sustainability SB experiments centre and DC bureau of Yes We Must -local community dialogue ![]() HelpIngrid iinventionworld Intangibles Crisis Union est 2000 Founder 1993 of leadership practice circles of Global Brand Architecture -cases valuing the most purposeful networks and markets ever to be sustainably invested in London branch newsletter editor since 2003 of Global Reconcliation Newtork - the deepest network of Gandhians, Medics, Cross-cultural guides, youth mentors, entrepreneurs and Mathematicians | .![]() |
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Entrepreneurial system mapmakers believe the 2010s are the most exiciting decade because this time will uniquely be that where citizens around the world question collaboration partnering (CP) as the new source of innovation and national advantage - more than that sustainability exponentials for future human generation will be won or lost. Interested? Help us focus each years's greatest challenge rsvp if you vote for a different one (rsvp info to nominate a CP boardgame or to join our sponsors : 9 year olds, 12 year olds ....
- 2010 grow citizen debates through decade on how to create billion jobs with mobile and web's tech revolutions
- 2011 can our global village age design a micro union of nations whose whole truth is that sustaned growth of all their economies depend on collaborating with each other as well as not excluding any nation that newly gets microeconomics collaborative empowerment;
- 2012 can londoners smartten up the globalisation's mass media photo call of being olympics game hosts and change the bbc to be a citiznen owned social business public broadcaster whose greatest world service is open curiositiy in investigating sustanability agendas -where is social business's first anchor woman and will she get as much freedom of voice as macroeconomics news analysts

In 33 years of survey research, this has been my longest running survey – since summer 2006
Here I present my conclusion as well as brief context of 3 generations of system designers who contribute to perspective urgency and requirement for worldwide collaboration .If you as one of the 1000 friends mailed this have a different short reply to the subject and would like it published alongside mine at – send it me and I will publish it. If you don’t want to publish something but do want to group in this topic please join which I will keep open for a week after which entry will require clarification of what support a person can bring to the group
Conclusion : Collaboration is the new innovation advantage of nations and other sustainable networks of systems capable of vaue multiplying above zero-sums. The only person with enough practice and love of solving this problem who also has world stage networking gravity is dr muhammad yunus. Let's all get connecting in sustainability projects around him.
Although networks around Dr Yunus came up with many micro solutions up to 2005, what changed Yunus as well as his scope of influencing sustainability was becoming world famous with his nobel peace price o 2006. More than that he started testing the value multiplying economics of partnerships the first typology to start connecting with his back of community up social business solutions and the nobel world stage were global corporate brands.
In November 2009 he launched the global grameen collaboration partnering game in sustainability –with 100 alumni at volkswagen’s autostadt conference centre in wolfsburg near Berlin as part of Germany’s week long celebrations of the 20th fall of the wall which . Sustainability’s collaboration partner now appears to have at least 12 interconnectng system typologies. The combinatorial impacts of micro up, collaboration across different system silos and the world stage cannot be over-estimated but you have to rehearse the game in your own mind and with your peer professions or practices to see why
The likelihood that the 2010s would be humanity’s most critical decade for sustainability has been trailed by family’s 3 generations of system designers
My maternal grandfather as high court judge in mumbai argued for much of 25 years with Gandhi -one bar of london barrister to another -and Einstein before power that be around him agreed it was time to help with the legalese of India’s independence; core to gandhi’s system transformation was the aha! that it was the UK professions (including the law he had himself mastered) that were compounding under colonial rule the loss of his people’s sustainability. Einstein who refereed a lot of Gandhi’s transformation moves went on record : when the time comes that man’s technology globalises connections between nations, peoples and nature, I hope but do no expect that humanity will succeed in transforming to a higher order than historic professions separated.
My father taught himself economics as a teenager while waiting to fly RAF planes out of Bangladesh. After ww2 he went up to cambridge being the last generation to be mentored by Keynes. He wrote up the future history of free market economics from his desk at The Economist for mist of the second half of the 20th century. Famously his 1960 Sunshades in October he explained how economic theory serially compounds greatest system risks from elder economists who has nicely patched system failures in ways that were right for that time but who then spun macroeconomics off in another direction which would need younger generations to correct it. In his 25 December 1976 survey Entrepreneurial Revolution – he predicted a missing system of microeconomics would need finding –and worldwide celebrating by a NoBel Laureate - by early in century 21 if sustainability was not to be lost –the greatest challenge ever to face one generation –our networking generation
My own work integrates transparency of mapping to combat how both media and metrics professions have spiraled globalisation fallibly thus opening up brand and metric solutions – these are congruent to microeconomcs system and collaboration designs of Dr Yunus but clearly not as simple as the sustainability games he now invites us all to urgently collaborate around |
Who am I? Accidentally I have spent all my career helping people handle world famous identities. So did my 2 grand fathers (one with Gandhi, the other British embassy consular between the 2 world wars), and my father who worked at The Economist 1950 (4th ranked weekly English newspaper, 1989 one of a kind global magazine). It wasnt until 1984 when I co-authored a book questioning the sustainability exponentials of globalisation's generation 1984-2024, and 1988 when I authored World Class Brands that I realised what my primary working role in life is. The first quality I need to help people handle (systemise) world famous identities is for myself to be unknown ; I also hope it's true that I have little self-ego other than when I have decided that an unique organising purpose is vaut le voyage. more
| I started work 36 years ago after a earning a postgraduate diploma in mathematical statistics at the University of Cambridge, Corpus Christi College; prior to that I earned a BA with First Class Honours & Prize at University of York. Here is the subject I have spent more of my time becoming experienced in than any other. To clairfy: I only accept work where people are asking for advice on how not to prevent systemic organisational destruction or how to sustain purpose so that all sides grow health and wealth. On some occasions I do pro bono work for organisations that are best benchmarks for the world but as yet are not known by all the people who could be replicating their value multiplying purpose- something that the networking age can be as huge an opportunity for as it is a risk of replicating purpose destruction systems. |
india 1 new york glasgow boston paris LA london - my library (tell me if you need more access)
Life 0.0 -Strange Scottish-international family tree reporting from many of world’s deepest conflicts before they blew up
| The happiest 10 minute debrief I have ever heard a world leader discuss on internet learning revolution- rsvp with your world service favourites | .Life 1.0 : 22 years studying to be a mathematician (how to abuse maths and science guys)- BA maths first with distinction and prize university york; postgraduate diploma in mathematical statistics uni cambridge (corpus christi college) 1 min: solar entepreneurs & best book for sustainability www | .third of a century applying maths to mapping innovation systems including computer learning networks, entrepreneurial revolution, valuing brands that are best for world learning and interaction, trillion dollar audit of global market sector responsibilty/sustainability challenges |
Most critical project in my network's life
Future Capitalism – Entrepreneurship for Life Shaping Innovation & Sustainability Investment – MicroBrief for The First Youth Dialogue on Future Capitalism with Muhammad Yunus and Bangladesh Microeconomics leaders 29 June 2009.
This bottom-up field of leadership practice and microeconomic mapping was grounded since 1971 with Birth of Bangladesh as a nation and the immediate challenge of million person famine. Networks of collaborative innovation pioneered Unique Frameworks of Future Capitalism summarised below.
Bangladesh Third century of Epicentre of Entrepreneurial Revolution 1976
While the Economist Christmas 1976 Survey of ER mapped why a sustainable world would need a Next Capitalism and entrepreneurial revolution by 2010, Bangladesh became the practice epicentre inviting the world to join in
From outset, life changing foci of Future Capitalism included : healthcare, education for job creation, ecologies of water/food/energy, banking, media and channels, professional hippocratic oaths, bottom-up governance and government. First two world changing innovation grassroots networks : BRAC’s oral rehydration village nursing network early 70s , Grameen’s microcredit – banking for poor female and community entrepreneurs project since 1976 (constitution 1983).
FC1 Social Business Entrepreneur Networks since 1974
FC2 Social Action Grassroots Networks since 1974
FC0 National to Global Dialogues since 1989
FC3 MicroSummit Interactive www Networks since 1997
FC4 Global Industry Sector Responsibility 1.0 and millennium goal since 1997
FC5 Global Industry Sector Responsibility 2.0 Partnerships & Trillion Dollar Audit since 2006
First book mapping Bangladesh’s Bottom-Up Third Century of Microeconomics , Microentrepreneurship and Future Capitalism 2007 – Creating a World Without Poverty- Social Business, Future of Capitalism , Muhmmad Yunus
5 Things FC is systematically evolving round in interacting community-rising maps with www networks
5.1 Our win-win-wing generation’s united space race to end poverty
5.2 Strategy: global industry sector responsibility and leadership partnerships
5.3 Youth School of journalism of microeconomics and social business modeling
5.4 Sustainability Investment and Transparency Trillion Dollar Audit
5.5 Networks open sourcing social business replication designed to integrate localities into win-win-win global and professional transformation of MBA to SMBA
5 Corrections to Misleading macroeconomic journalism
January 2008: The Financial Times reviewer who called social business and FC a flimsy new idea had no idea of a third of a century of work which Bill Clinton has called Bangladesh’s new development economy model
Since 1974; Whilst social business entrepreneurship is modeled on Gandhian beliefs it differs from the American view of social entrepreneurship coined in 1978. Social Business entrepreneurs insist on seeing a sustainable cashflow model and ownership by community poorest. Sustainability design and valuation governance turn social businesses into the deepest of all entrepreneurial network challenges at the innovation, practice and replication stages.
Based in transparent microeconomics , FC helps everyone return to the original free market language of the entrepreneur as person who makes more jobs than he takes. This is one of the reasons why FC is the only whole system approach to sustainability investment funding. To study this 5 key periods in reporting are commended:
· The Speech made to Bangladesh youth by the chair of the Nobel committee summer 2008 in opening the Nobel Museum above the Mirpur slum in Dhaka
· The Millennium Citation of the Gandhi Prize to Muhammad Yunus 2000 for reuniting the Eastern fields of Gandhian Satyagraha and the western field of entrepreneurship
· The Economist 1976 survey on entrepreneurial revolution;
· The founding Scottish prospectus for The Economist in 1843,
· What Adam Smith and his French and Scottish entrepreneurial alumni actually wrote about transparency, free markets and national integration in the second half of the 18th century
Today’s global banking meltdown is also about a global market failure to segment basic banking needs from banking for the very rich. In contradistinction, Microcredit’s third of a century has innovated 10 times lower cost banking around basic services of credit for income generation ad deposits for household saving. It offers the safest banking in the world but can only be designed where national laws do not discriminate against its transparency of community-up operations. The latest mobile develops suggest that 100 times lower cost banking is a reasonable goal within a decade
However, it is not reasonable to value sustainable designs of microcredit just by narrow banking metrics. This is because hi-trust microcredit networks invest in a bottom-up infrastructure for empowering all life-critical entrepreneurial replications that communities vote as life critical. Not only has internet for the poor become a major enabler in the last 15 years but microentrepreneurial networks now offer world leading contributions to open sourcing solar and other renewable energy franchises. | Meanings I helped coin internet learning revolution (since 1973) | stories 7 reality storyteller marketer (as defined by a co-worker when we were both being fired by Coopers & Lybrand in 1995 after 5 years of questioning whether global accountas were valuing the world's most valuable intangible systems in a sustainable way)- don't you just love being a m narketert- its the only job in the world where you are doing well if 5% of the concepts you help people debate are called right - explanation the origin of the marketer before mass tv advertising took over was to research what people outside company most desperately needed and then discuss concepts until one united every constituency from next customer in vital need to new product r&D to leaders concerned with how would we scale this new to the world innovation up to people in every department who could unite around a system introducing so many value win-win-wins that everyonme in the world who knew about the servce compass of the product wanted to connect their lifetimes with it and coild freely do so because it opened up so much value - example of such a concet - internet | Systems a maths guy trusts |
Sunday, August 31, 2014 Diary with Yunus washingtin dc 301 881 1655- my most recent of 21 interviews with yunus including 11 in Bangladesh concerned youth collaboration possibilities with MOOCYunus
1:29 pm edtNorman Macrae Foundation has found nearly $50000 dolars to support the yunus student competitions across usa which will finally converge with the Nobel Peace Laureat Summit Atlanta November 2015 main co-hosts peace laureates ted turner family luther king family hank huckaby and the public university system of Georgia Mayor of Atlanta .. sub-curriculum webs include grameeneonomics facebook microeconomics Diary with Yunus
1:21 pm edtSaturday, December 29, 2012 updating my 2013 diary
2013 is 170th birthday of The Economist mediating end hunger; 41st since i first saw youth online networking
; 4th of make or break decade of youth's greatest prouctive time to be alive places need more excuses to linkin china, japan dubai as the investment home of legatum ,qatar and wise networks ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
major process of 2013 year of mooc -linkedin debates
1 making a menu of MOOCs we want to see emerge so youth can job create
2 making skeleton notes on some contents of particular moocs
bangla knowhow actions: wish to find way to win-win with ullah's cloud sourcing of open tech youth- and still want to know more about updates from eg 1 kazi (china-bangla green farms) 2 quadir (cashless banking) 3 grameen intel bangla and samir 4 japan book and ashir
as of now my known diary
jan mainly in dc where naila's new project involves several thousand disadvantaged youth who come for a medical checkup on the same day in april but where we can host stalls while the crowds are there
jan 17-19 alabama attending last know yunus competition of 012/013 and opportunity to guage whether alabama is serious about a whole new yunus uni of poverty - naila's first competition and zasheem's - zasheem expects to see stiglitz 2 days earlier
february mainly debriefing on mit student projects 2 of which I have become involved with as well as seeing how 24 projects have incubated over last 2 months; still aiming with people like naila to be able to give best ever tours of mit if someone like abed has a spare day in boston
march hope to spend a few days in dhaka when ideally all 3 of sarah, japan ambassador and a day meeting with abed family would converge- zasheem believes that abed family want a day on how to launch microeducation summit, to understand possible first moocs - eg why not do a mooc version of aflatoun- there is some hope that zasheem will get day known weeks in advance in which case wonder whether eg anyone from lucknow can join in-its got to linin either with mooc production or microeducationsummit or possibly student competitions
missed in above is japan- its a great pity we havent got one person in tokyo in time for me seeing 12000 competition event and trying to linkin father's debates of japans role in pro-youth econommics as well as its need to lead green moocs
also missed is taddy blecher- he has been out of contact during 6 weeks trip to india- can be contacted ti mid january
also missing plan for europe- usuualluy i would attend a dnaone communities event in april but zasheem said he would link in youth of glasgow, paris and with nazrul madrid playing on how he advances stiff with eg stiglitz and abed
still havent heard from anyone at hub; experiments in breaking down student silos for month of april dont look as if they are going to go well with official yunus networks but still keeping an eye out for when his gold congress medal date is announced; i would guess it will be fall 2013 and that is when I must have something he wants me to host an event about -either start of microeducationsummit planning or some pecimen moocs on youth economics or a catalogue of yunus student projects that6 are alive with mentor networks and merging prctice focused funds
havent worked out where to celebrate economist at 170 (eg depends if sarah will cooperate)- have reorganised main right hand column of around sevral year long themes - one each from 10 webs on back page of happy 2013 card
Saturday, March 10, 2012
hi richard
I am obsessed about collaboration around jobmaking heroines and heroes
So I have been wondering for some time how to extend journey for change, leadersquest models to many regions (including bangladesh and since november europe!) as well as whether there are ways to add to existing journeys - at lucknow is one of india's greatest cases but missed out by social entrepreneurs as it doesnt fit their traditional categories
another case in point is joburg/ where taddy blecher will be talking to londoners about his partners cluster out of (includes kiva, where branson started his entrepreneur curriculum ,,, ) on evening of march 26 at founded by indy
I'll be in london from evening of 25 march to 28 march- be great to discuss this further if we might be able to work out mutual advantages
ref bookmarks
various parallel publishing models of New Economist journalists
eg zasheem and adam smith scholars in glasgow compile the authorised social business database of journal of social business - a yunus commitment made when my family sponsored yunus 70th birthday wish weekend in glasgow summer 2010
martin - fantastic meeting you yesterday in DC -what extraordinary projects JE Austin has linked in over decades
tell me if this email list gets too much - contextually it has an advantage that I can later debrief you on all of these peoples connections may be relevant - in effect they connect some of the deepest links to africa that my father's entrepreneurial networking friends and I have found in last 10 years especially from the youth entrepreneur/education cluster that taddy links in out of s.afica-eg here is my fan web of
equally one of the questions I am asking myself is if taddy blecher (with such as branson, kiva, google) in joburg and ingrid munro in nairobi and peter ryan who operates subsahran microcredits are 3 people whose in-africa collaboration networks to trust activating africa's millennium goal future to, how does this link with type of usaid agriculture work /knowledge you help lead, and indeed does it also link with energetic students networks like alex simons? there is also the issue of will feed the future and B20 networks ever collaborate optimally? (suppose for a moment neither sarkozy or obama gets re-elected - it would be a extremely uneconomical if all the transformations they began towards africa and agricultures did not continue with all their permisisons. I need to find the right moment to host a debate on this issue at the French Embassy in DC with their economics group)
as well as people I trust most in midst of the 10000 hub entrepreneur network -indy is the person to advance contact if you are passing through london as is designed around my father's old strategy at The Economist to be most convenient place for any interesting leader passing through london to drop in , brainstorm, build collaboration network they need economically
1 with founders of is my favourite television news model - 90 journalists hunting out best news by and for african transparency with knowledge links to mo ibrahim - what he is doing at a national leadership level, they are mapping for 50 industries they beleive africa needs to be self-sufficients as well as regionally interconnecting around
2 with convenor of - since big banking americans blew up microcreditsummit's 15 year focus- this parisian annual 3000 networking event is in my opinion now the main millennium goal network organised by and for people and youth to colaborate around in line with my dads 1984 scenario of net generation uniting race to end poverty
-dc paris london dhaka tokyo .. for specific african and asian action networks as well as youth's most productive decade everywhere
Thursday, March 8, 2012 intro ireland mulvany macmurray; westminster johar; australia komesaroff'; india devy
here are my impressions of you all- (I realise its rude to have impressions of people I have only met once or twice or in michael's case skyped for an hour but here goes). I am nearly 20 years old on the internet so while I dont claim any big brain I have been searching for who might want to connect who for longer than most
7:08 am estclare - I would be surprised if ireland has a more consciencious reporter of worldwide social innovation- I first virtually bumped into clare while the omidyars who founded ebay were still hosting a virtual community on social innovation- clare was using it to plan a worldwide tour of seeing most extremely useful community innovations animated by microentreprenurs relevant to millennium goals; she spent nearly 2 years on her world tour; wrote up a book; aimed (but was let down by a property tycoon) to start a hub in dublin both to educate (link action networks) as influence how media people saw what exciting things young people could be doing; this is clare's blog up to spring 2009 unlcrear of her latest diaries (incidentally I feel that the omidyars went on to accidentally undermine microcredit putting 100 million into funding the worst sort of academics; whilst ebay's first ceo jeff skoll is an interesting character -he currently finances reality disater moves like inconvenient truth- headhunted larry brilliant to be medical editor of this genre; hosts annual world championships of social entrepreneurs in oxford - a network which in my opinion taddy blecher does most to keep exciting but see bias below) michael tells me he works for ireland's ministry of health on the infomation technology side and is a bit frustrated because he has taken irish leaders on some international benchmarking tours to see specific extremely useful advances in healthcare that open source tech can do but when he gets back to ireland conventional wisdom keeps blocking trying out these ideas ( and indeed the usual suspects like microsoft profit from blocking goverment looking at open source) Indy has created a space in westminster to debate such issues if you are ever passing through london- this has learnt from challenges the first 40 similar spaces for entrepreneurs around the world discovered in linking in nearly 10000 energised people; one of the 4 main applications of westminster hub people is smarter use of big data- indy specifically told me uk national health service is due to release a huge set of patient records in anonymous form to see what can be analyses that has never been found before- meanwhile indy and I are trialling whether there is motivation amongs shareholders of The Economist or others to launch The New Economist which gets back to (James Wilson 1843 founder) original purpose of the journal designed to debate how to invest in system that end hunger and end underemployment anywhere -the race to end big brotherhood which james founded economics/media to start ending in 1843 is probably in its final denoument through these 2010s ... our first co-production will be to try and unite taddy blecher with the 80 people he most needs to linkin to that happen to be in london around march 26- taddy is founder of free university out of and his partnership cluster there with kiva, branson, google africa etc has more positive accelerating momentum right now than anyone else I have information on -though of course I am always interested to know who you think at a particular moment in time, place, passion has most window of opprtunity to unite world in entreprenurial revolution that sustains the human lot a family friend is the former head of the royal society of medicine but as often with the noisy challenge of trying to connect the deepest action network of yunus with a friend, this hasnt gone well so if I am to approach sir keith peters again it better be on something we really can do; a friend of my fathers but not someone who knows me is mary robinson; in the event she and ireland might like to host a small remembrance party of my dad in the sequence started at The Economist boardroom and being continued next month by japanese embassy in dhaka, I can offer 3000 pounds to get some food and drink in but have no idea how the rest of the process out of dublin would need to work; you may know that after 15 years of designing systems to ruin the future of youth in november 2011 the EU suddenly said it has found one last fund of hundreds of billions of euros which is known as the social impact bond network- it is supposed to invest in deepest community solutions worth replicating across europe- I have no faith that the EU has enough local scouts to discover what it has take some of us 20 years to collaboratively search writing this I am minded to introduce 2 additional characers paul komesaroff and ganesh devy - they are not often on email so will give longer bios if they reply- paul is the youth (global volunteers) most connecetd professor of medecine in australia who after 9/11 picked up phone and didnt stop until he had formed a global reconcliation network of about 1000 people from 100 cultures including 4 nobel prize winners; their first live meeting was hosted in london 2003 (keynoted mary robinson) then delhi's indira gandhi cross-cultral centre linked in to all of ganesh's gandhian networks on end poverty of nomad people and guested by india's then minister of info tech and media; the week after the tsumani hit; the network later continued its worldwide meets thru such places as sarajevo 2005 ... jordan 2010 chris Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Great seeing to you yesterday
The value chain analysis lady at USAID that I think it would be worth fixing a meeting with between you and me is Jeanne Downing . Her job title says Senior Enterprise Development Adviser. She has been coordinating a whole series of breakfast meetings on value chain analysis. The two cases I most recall were Bangladesh with CARE and Kenya with Dao (I first met Tony Barclay in Bethesda who used to run Dao because of BRAC correpondence - do you still stay in touch). It seems to me that Value Chain analysis is DC-speak for one of the main strategic interventions BRAC has led, as well as ultimately one of the main tools of all involved in transparency maps - 20 years of work on this as the antidote to what Price Waterhouse Coopers taught my peers to do in early 1990s makes me feel I have something that Sir Ronald Cohen needs as well as his technical adviser David Blood who also co-founded a sustainability investors Group with Al Gore. MIT's Berner Lee has also been working in London on community responsibility for social services but I havent found out on what. Back in London it is micro-energy groups we have highest level connections with through being co-activists of Economist shareholders and common interests of prince charles and bbc nature coorespodents and micelha palin (a huge cross-cultural supporter of bangladesh). Another fascinating charcater I need to find an excuse to interview in london is Mo Ibrahim who made his money with cell phones in an africa but sponsors the largest transparent leadership prize in africa, and links in his knowledge with MIT.
I am trying to find out anything I can on CARE and Opportunity as potential the right side, and I abslutely want to demolish Accion's goodwill rankings (I do not accept impoverishing mexico microcredit to build an americal charities funds, and being headquartered in Boston I have serially seen accion trying to fund students to do macro things with micro). Unfortunaetly the former head of Accion went to work for Hilary, and I still havent worked out what damage that did.
(Another interesting way into value chain and producers value is an annual expo of artisns in any core community sector - I know its convenor who also led the hosting of Ted Africa in Tanzania - he is actualy based in New York as much as he is based. To date the 3 maker faires have been strategically convened in Egypt, Ghana, and Kenya. It is interesting to me that the other link to value chain analsys in DC Karen Spainhower (whose paper on BRAC we published in teh special issue) says the 3 countries she is confident her group know how to make progress in are these three. Of course the other very micro intervention in produce markets is wholefoods. I look for any chance to interview mackey and still believe he is a natural sponsor for a Texas youth1000 but the grameen partner who sits on wholeplanet board wont help me (well until I get Monica to be more confident in asking that yunus partners in usa help each other and her)
Technically I was a bit astonished to hear that BRAC might put its name to a brand without demanding that others who invest in that have to recognise the goodwill of BRAC as worth more than eg the money they put in. Maybe that also explains how Yunus first went wrong from his viewpoint with grameen phone. Someone like Branson wouldnt extend Virgin without requiring the brand's value be fully recognised by other investors- and apart from Hasina issue Grameen and BRAC remain the 2 most vital trust brands in deveolping world, and in effect in determining the future goals the net generation is empowered to produce. They are (or if microcreditsummit had been conceived correctly in 1997) as much signature brands of the knowledge networking age as Coca-Cola was of the distribute fast moving consumer goods age. While Sam Daley-Harris is one of the most modestly well-motivated and charming educators I ever expect to meet, his peer group's ignorance of the conflicts in media and economics has been part of the problem withy microcredisummit which could have been the worlds number 1 process of actioning millennium goals the net generation voted for as per my dads 1984 book
I continue to believe that Sam needs to meet you before he gets too far into shaping his new civil society network. Realistically that probably means offering to go up and down one day on the train to princeton. In the event that your diary can accomodate that please tell me. I wish to take time to do a part 2 of everything microcreditsummit has learnt. In the few weeks available to compile issue 3, Zasheem and I didnt get much help in trying to find the collaborative stories that 15 years of microcreditsummit could have bene networking round - but we thought it was best to put something in every delegates hand in spain and then work out who wanted to be reinterviewed on what they would have wanted to be in a sumary of all that has been action learnt so far. I guess the young leaders at, Ingrid Munro, Peter Ryan of are the three who may already agree to be active re-writers of the issue we handed out. At a European level I know most of Paris' movers and shakers of microcredit; I know the one person who went to spain from grameen 5 years ago and knows anoine who is doing good stuff in spain.At least Yunus made sure Queen Sofia knew who he is. I hope to become better linked to the EU's eastern links with microcredit- it is useful that Poland is a major linker in of this as my father was probalbly Polands number 1 international adviser of what economics spins in its first 5 years of separation from USSR. I hope to sponsor an eastern europe christmas happy hour in DC . I will also keep on at sam. Would love any advice you have- I guess this is a project with about a year to run.
Fingers crossed that Sir Fazle's operation is a success. Focusing, I would say Monica Yunus is the one person I wish could be inttroduced to the abed family. Her attempt to unite artists and communities is at - her mentors include Placido Domingo. Her story is that until 9/11 she thought that focusing on being the best she could possibly be at opera was enogh; but since that moment she has asked how can the famous people she meet support upcoming artists to support spending any extra time they have cheering up communities - particularly schools and hospitals in new york region. This is a model I have been theoretically working on for 8 years. The West has contructed mass media to make the most artificial of stars so that youth no longer no who the real heroes are. I aslo want to end the extremely uneconomical advertising spot and get corporations with youth brands celebrating things like youth1000 jobs brainstorming - I try and make sure Monica is aware of these other colaboratively most interesting youth projects of yunus. and while she doesnt want it I assume that by 2020 what good ihe world assocaited with Yunus will mainly be linked in round her.
Hoping Sir Fazle makes a good recovery - if you think he would ever want a private facilitaion in dialogue of what is the future connection between the goodiwll of brac and the leadership roles of his diffeernt family members I would gf course be delighted to travel to Dhaka to see if any of the case comparisoons I know of can help facilitate such discuision. And of course from my point of view anyone with the Abed name is most welome to join in being identified with 2010s being youths most productive decade if I can ever get that to be a club worth everyones while. The only way I can think of getting economics and media back to what my father thougth teir purose was is to keep on searching out those whose actions are compatible with this clubs mission of 2010s as youths most productive decade
best chris
301 881 1655 skype chrismacraedc
Monday, February 28, 2011
RSVP help us make links to 100 most entrepreneurial revolutionary articles or nation's future economics scripts The Economist's Unacknowledged Giant Norman Macrae ever wrote
3:36 pm est0 1984 the internet generation can be 10 times more productive : their most exciting decade 2010s depends on doubling knowledge around ending poverty first1 2008 consider bangladesh2 1962 consider japan3 1975 consider asian pacific www century - 4 1975 americas 3rd century - Time review5 1976 entrepreneurial revolution6 1982 intrapreneurial now 7 1984 healtchare is compounding bust futures everywhere8 every place's safest future for innovative youth and sustainable families is to have government controling under 25% of how peoples earnings are spent 9 1972 - from 2012 global financial system will serially implode unless we have redesigned a segment of sustainable capital markets being thoise that invest in every nations youths jobs and what the net generation vote for as the next decades most heroic goals 10 the view from messina is the EU is worth co-creating if only to end europe as epicentre iof world war prince charles in his be-fated japan tour Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Linda- I'd happily come up to boston any time if you could arrange 2 collab cafes for me
9:14 am est1 is with you 2 is a cafe with some people you are most working with but also with sloan and mit entrepreneurs- sloan sponsored lots of my dads writing and my dad's last big story was 10 times more economical banking is possible - as long as we "the net generation interacting with the poorest" dont call it microcredit but get on with open sourcing the more economical basic banking models of the triple-win models joy of economics for and by people: *grameen that is community (global village) based *jamii bora which is peer network based *brac which redesigns whole markets to be free from the bottom up we can blend these models and we have barely begun to map what heroic peoples banking china is already innovating - what happens to being economical when you take an ebay tech for the poor and a banking model for the poor and have every poor person accessing free markets through zero cost mobile telecoms? THE GEN THAT DOUBLED SOMETHING EVERY YEAR FOR 40 YEARS -what will that something be- orwell's and wall street big brotherhood, or adam smith's and yunus' future herstory of openly free markets? Youths choice: Exciting 2010s phew! like every crisis of opportunity there are before and after being networked models of the above; dad (and I believe peter drucker) would say once we have understood networking win-wins and digitals death of distance these models can make basic banking not only 10 time but 100 times more economical; thats why reaching out to the berners lees, the $100 laptop, the others in mit who are moibile networking entreprenurs is important - the purpose of basic banking integrates optimalisation of the productivity of every persons life by interfacing sustainable communiuty grounded systems (of health, clean food water energy, action elarning instead of examined stanadrads, amart medi ) around them basic banking uses the ideas of loans, savings and insurance both to invest in the human's being productive lifelong develoment expoentials , to hub how life-shaping knowledge multiplies in use and to design community grounded markets where the value of all the (net)work stays in the community or the peer network but in such a way that the market's equity is owned or wholly and ecologically participated in by the poorest or (as yet) least employed mobile operations (when a media is owned by the poorest - the huge innovation of grameen phone) can bring the cost of hosting markets and monitoring of financial transcations down to almost nothing you can download the first version of celebrate bangladesh which we launched at the economist boardroom at - before yunus testimony in congress I would like to help fcitizens publish future capital celebration of 1 kenya & 2. east coast cities boston through dc 3 spain 4 paris 5 glasgow of course anywhere else too but 1,4 and 5 like bangladesh are spaces to learn with 2 and 3 most deperately need to celebrate connecting the actions and constitutions of 10 times more economical banking if europe and usa are to join in net gen's most exciting decade chris macrae DC: 301 881 1655 Family Foundations skype isabellawm Especially I copied these people for the following reasons (* means met at dad's party in Economist boardroom) *peter microloanfoundation obviously *jonathan and lesley - their 6000 entrepreneurs in 50 shared city open spaces know most about hubs as a worldwide citizen opportunity to connect global villages and spent the last week seeing what projects lesley can volunteer first around ingrid and jamii bora *estelle corresponds out of paris whetre global social business partnering of yunus began and her dad open sources the most economical transactiin standard of mobile age 3000 LEADER CLUB OF SB & 2010s MOST EXCITING DECADE *Bangladeshi freedom fighter-peacemakers zasheem, and *shafi and Bangladeshi vilage student *mostofa - we need a one pager on the microloanfoundation -mit view on how to make 2010s most exciting ; zasheem is developing the first issue of a journal of social business which includes such vision pledges and which my family is giving a loan to so it will be mailed to 3000 leaders yunus choses; if people have other ideas of leaders peer networks to mail to - of course we will loan for that too Bangladesh-home of 10 times more economical economics - 40th birthday 2011 mostofa is spending next month in dhaka improving version 1 of celebrate bangaldesh as sustainability word's trade centre - a brochure we launched at the economist boardroom to celebrate dads life as well as his joy of linking in to the most economical economist in the world dr yunus - the person who can connect the human common sense of this debate across our region without even mention banking words is monica yunus in new york; and sam is the person who is designing people summits so that you can celebrate society with or without the banking if we believe in designing constitutions and media around optimising every youth's lifetime productivity potentials; chris temple and alex are west and east coast students leading mfi connections alvin-toffler futurist alumn eric meade clarified (for me) in 2 hour collab cafe yesterday how the way to win the microcredit wars is not to mention microcredit just get on with impement banking models that are 10 times more economical/pursposeful- the good thing about inviting the net generation to play this game is that 99% of stuff big banking thinks matters professionally is utterly irrelevant once we innovate death of distance age in which we can all be virtually as well as geographically useful in serving each other alex is the nearest hub member in dc to me and raj the nearest compass member and charles skuba his professorial mentor who has also distributed 200 yunus books around georgetown mba students; alex 2 and *chris are east coast and west coast student connectors of hopefully and joyfully yes we can see some interpersonal connections to get webbing! Sunday, April 18, 2010 to members of and
dear ... and ... please could you choose time & place we can meet ...
9:36 am edtparis branch week of 20 april- I will be at same hotel (rue racine ) where you met sofia and me last time; if you want to come round and pick up photocopy of draft of the book please say- either we can meet for a coffee or i can leave copy of book at reception for you if I know you are coming I am trying to map various ways readers can mobilise round the book at ; of course I am happy to post other suggestions; in fact I am most delighted if each city (with one or more alumni fan networks of yunus) has a particular collaboration action approach it wants to post. I am connecting about 400 youth from the 3 leading business schools in dc region to test market lots of different collaboration actions; once I know some of these , I am more than happy to put youth chapter leaders in direct contact; I dont want to be in the way of anything that might open up do nows of sb collaboration Back in 1993 with gary hamel's and ck prahalad's permission I coined the leadership practice of brand architecture to neighbour their family of strategic architecture tools - how to connect brands, identities, and component parts of marketing mix inside and across organsitions designed to network unique purposes. In any brand architecture one needs to: find the epicentre that wll sustain whatever gets cocked up by others double check that the epicenhtre can't be spoilt whatever others do the budget epicentre of sustainability decade 2010s with all due respect to hero yunus (and I rate him the greatest media player of all time ) is grameen danone - so let's create ning of that and map why the whole entrepreneurial world depends on what france collaboration networks - entreprenons, generation solidaire, vive la monde chris macrae Franck Riboud and Muhammad Yunus to be honored by Pasteur Institute Monday May 17 Search Results
World Class Brands 2.1 –Mediating 2010s as Sustainability Decade investigates 3 hi-trust and value multiplying leadership questions. Because these may not be popular with the powers that be, they need to be popular with everyone else. Failure to urgently ask and answer them now will have catastrophic consequences for the sustainability of all our children
The three questions are what future world will exponentially compound IF
1 we fail to search out the most purposeful organisations and fully value the system design that generates them
2 we fail everywhere to act on the detailed lessons of wall street’s implosion
3 we fail to see that collaboration is the new innovation advantage – that one which could empower networking technology to create jobs and go way above zero sum, rather than endlessly crash along the opposite direction
What is both good news and bad news is that the person popularly voted as the world’s number 1 entrepreneur of our generation has demonstrated all the answers to the above questions. But even as his 70th birthday is globally celebrated , he is so focused on the extreme local challenges he needs to apply solutions to in order to save lives in his own region that he doesn’t realise the mount of open mass media intervention his alumni need to be helped to champion if the majority of the world’s people are to know just-in-time that this choice of futures is now urgently at our gates. Or perhaps he does realise this, but assumes that those ambassadors for his work will economically take it to all corners of the globe whereas most of them don’t yet realise the openness and self-esteem required in this massive exercise of bringing down degrees of separation
The triple whammy we worldwide beings of 2010s now face on behalf of all generations can be mapped like this ![]() Saturday, April 17, 2010
Through my working life I have become more and more passionate about searching out the most purposeful originations in the world and understand how their systems are designed. It seems to me that purposeful organizations are good for everyone, employee, customer, owner, societies they re in as well as your nation and world. I think that purposeful organizations need be part of education of every age group. Why aren’t they?
I don’t think we need to get too clever about the search for purpose.. Its pretty common sense stuff. Buy yes perhaps it matters most when it comes sustanabolity issues where for example on out of 7 children born to day has almost no chance of meaningful life- will be ill hungry abused and expected to go to works at 11 with almost no education.
It is evident that the world we live in does not value purposeful organizations truly – and that may either be a measurement issue or celebration issue. So for example if your wish to argue that there is a whole cluster of purposeful organizations that will be ignores because there is no way they can make high profits, I would argue that these organizations should get positive discrimination when it comes to publicity- and clearly they don’t – not even in the country I come from where huge share of voice is constitutionally kept in public broadcasting.
As it happens beginning round 1988 I started studying both metric and medic errors partly for my first sole authored book World Class Brands. I now have a huge catalogue of metrics errors Roughly I will lay tem out according to 3 interconnected system properties that are mot measured properly
Brand trust and goodwill
Sustainability s exponential dynamic whether you model that at a global market level, an individual organization system or of some network of partners
I was horrified by the invention of brand valuation algorithms in the late 1980s. They were constructed so that the brand's value went up the more it advertised. The reality is that heavily advertised organizations are usually the least purposeful – first because if you are highly purposeful you don’t need a lot of advertising image. Secondly because the cost of minds has gone up faster than just about anything – to be ad led brand means to know that this company has already damaged the economics of its cost structure
In service and knowledge economies, goodwill is worth more than all the things a company makes; and goodwill depends mainly on peoples relationships and trusts being purposefully kept but we are ruled over by a global accounting standard that decrees people are always costs to cut while things can be booked in as investments. This is probably the greatest maths errors that global accounting numbers make though there are many others. The mindset of global accounting may be the most non-systemic of all professions. For example, it is part of the professions ideology that they are counting up the past to the current second but never beyond. This has weird and sad effects. Firstly any speculative manager can make more profit in its last quarter by cutting something which damages quality but whose impact on sales is lagged. egg if I make chocolate biscuits and because chocolate is the most expensive ingredient, I halve chocolate input, then my costs will come down and in the current period this consumer probability wont find out. So I make more profit for that period while making it almost certain I lose future sales. In the old days we used to call this milking of a brand, and any marketer who deliberately did this would be fired. But today global accounts spreadsheet do this all the time; its almost as if they re so number focused they don’t even know they are milking.
One of the worst things to do with a brand and its goodwill is to make strong promises which you have no capability to keep. Te gap between brand as image and brand s earning its trust has got greatest every year since the start of brand valuation algorithms and managing by spreadsheet numbers. Its no wonder that surveys how trust is plummeting. This is a vicious spiral ; and yet for 22 year's that I have bee raising it most people shrug their shoulders. So what? Well ultimately we end up min so much untruth that people cant see the woods from the trees- clearly wall street couldn't in its recent meltdown
Coming soon more on transparency and sustainability’s abuse by major professionsFriday, April 16, 2010 Futures Networks
please help us rate them - please dont ask me to rate my own family's reach I know too well at eg
8:39 am edt1 Yunus Future Networks of Sustinability - unfortnunataly yunus keeps changing the name of these - betwen 20o5-2009 they were called future capitalism - he now calls them (global) social business and creative labs as far as I can see; stiill he is the only person with worldwide awreness and friends optimistically connecting all the biggest wishes of sustainability (see correspondence lower down); help us case that at 2 other nominations DC region where I live : alvin toffler -along with peter drucker, toflfer inmspired dd and I more than anyone else to imagine in the 1980s whether the net geneartion would susrvive or not; ralph nader (forget the politics- thius gut has comnsistley impoverished himself to try to fight for communities and consmers and demands respect in any world where people ask questions but ban political answers) 3 spin must get bck to work of manuel castales 4 canda don tapscott's work on net generation ws always very commercia buyt therwise as ner as right for the future as comentato0rs in the kidst of big client coulkd get 5 the work of jim colains remins extraordinary - why re there no practice networks if it 6 my dd was co-brnder of intraprenur of j gifford pichot - wonder where te traytown movement went; similrly where do herman kahn hudson institiyute networkers impact tody's debates 7 somewehre in the depths of MIT I ssume these futurists nd the web still try to breathehe; equivlently in indi is nilekani te mn; in chna is jck of ali baba the mn? ; in dhakr does it ll connect with and l;ive futurist coorespodnence sample spring 2010Dear Eric
Fantastic meeting you today at CGDEV at the memorial talk for Richard Sabot. Alvin Toffler's work - eg Future Shock and Powershift - is a great inspiration to me and all who network optimism's permissions to action. Would it be possible to follow up with a meeting at your office?
We are starting second Yunus bookclub 1000 in a month. His DC launch booktalk is 14 May -university sponsor Robert H Smith Business School. I believe his networks are actioning the futures we need and Bangladesh has proven a microeconomics system design that can both restore community sustainability and make the most of collaboration networking - something that hasn't begun to empower the productivities that people like Alvin, Peter Drucker and my father foresaw as possible
This is a typical extract from Dr Yunus new book
Dr Yunus 70th Birthday wishes for Sustainbility 2010s
We have to believe in our wish list if we hope to make it come true. We'll have to create appropriate concepts, institutions, technologies, and policies to achieve our goals. The more impossible the goals look, the more exciting the task becomes. Fortunately, for us we have entered an age when dreams have the best chances to come true. We must organise the present to allow an easy entry into the future of our dreams. We must not let our past stand in our way.
If you were to ask me who has the best chance of coming closer to the reality of 2030, without pausing for a second I would say that the science fiction writers would be far closer than the expert analysts. The reason is very simple. Experts are paid to make forecasts on the basis of past and present, but events in the real world are driven by dreams of people"
I have met Dr Yunus 12 times including helping to convene his 69th birthday dialogue and am cataloguing all the partner cases he is building by wishes. The most exciting in terms of scaling up 50000 youth in actioning a new future connects out of paris
Tuesday, June 2, 2009 learning with my maternal grandad
my maternal grandad sir kenneth kemp was a bar of london barrister who fought, and over 25 years came to work with, another Bar of London barrister - Mahatma Gandhi. Granddad's favourite motto when I was four and he was soon to die; nothing is impossible. What was he mentored on by Gandhi mainly in the city that was then called Bombay? That most innovative type of system transformation -the human relationship and hi-trust network practices needed when a country's people are being poverty chained by your own profession - in gandhi's and grandads case the colonial laws of Empiredom.
7:08 am edtFriday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
June 29 Meeting dhaka
we are trying to invite 2 groups of people
- those with extraordinary influence for community-rising replications and who can help dr yunus with a breakthrough
and youth or others who want to network social businesses as a lifelong pursuit;
we aim to map and identify 7 areas of community sustainability potential compasses for microsummits) around which we catalogue everything and identify who's interested in bridging one or more areas
1 banking and financial services
2 health
3 energy and agriculture
4 vocational and network-age education to first job
5 media and channels including internet and mobile and hosting large meeting formats, and also micropublications -eg we have at least 1 publishing house concept we pilot in dhaka before trying to get western publishers to do a glpssy version iof
6 SMBA or transparent professions -metrics and system franchising maps of compound sustainability investment and purposeful goodwill multiplication as opposite to quarterly monetary extraction; microeconomics as the opposite and only sustainable way round system to macroeconomics
7 government that empowers place/peoples
both myself and my father who deputy edited The Economist have professional interests in areas 5 and 6 though as future history writers our 1984 book caused us to search out most of the same sustainability compasses
I am currently 'certain" we will have an influential opinion leader on energy - the BBC broadcaster Paul Rose; and 90% certain we will have someone extraordinary on education - probably one of the founding 4 of India's and the world's largest school an extraordinary social business
On media we will have someone from Vivian Montaigu De Norris' YunusMovie in paris - I believe you shared a luncheon table with her at worldcongress -the belief Vivian has in Dr Yunus is unlike anyone I have met
I am waiting to see if one of TheGreenChildren pop group can come but it sounds as if until their album is released they cant make any appointments. I will be asking heads of various Grameen-related organisations like sam daley harris and vidar jorgensen to come but expect they will say that they will find out what happens but not directly participate. American subnetworks of Yunus are in my opinion over-competitive so I keep on offereing inviotations to colaborate but am used to being turned down.
My friends and I will keep trying in other areas. For example my family know the former head of the royal society of medicine and he is looking at a future capitalism partnership but he may come up with a delegate to June 29.
Among youth I am trying to get a reprsentative from key university cities including Boston New York, DC, LA as well as Europe. A particular focus this year is the USA because of both the banking crisis and the opportunity and threat that every yes we can network that Obama stands for will get distracted.
We want to ensure that on June 29 that we either have a delegate or at least a leaflet of links on every live youth network Dr Yunus has built. Unlike the searches form social business and future capitalism, the chapter 11 invitations of Dr Yunus book are behind plan, but critical to scaling up and replication strategies. We also invite youth to voice what isnt working for them yet to join in
Saskia we'd love to have someone from your networks particpating on june 29; if that's not possible let's make sure we have all the lnks to what you are doing in a leaflet we can give all our delegates
I should say that Mostofa Zaman has been working on youth connections with yunus secretariat almost since the Nobel prize. He was one of the origins of the yunusforum request by citizens in many countries to connect around Dr Yunus. He has been specifically briefed to identify 5000 Youth ambassadors who want to help replicate social business franchises between bangladesh and anywhere in the world; coming from Bangladeshi villages he also knows just about every different business diviision inside grameen and can help match the interests people bring to june 29 with whom in Grameen they should most know of; we hope that simlarly we can help make contacts in BRAC or any of the other Dhaka institutes that match people's deepest concerns.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 12 year olds' ideas on social business innovations
understanding is that dr yunus wants youth & anyone to pitch any social business idea to him and other microcredit leaders on june 29
6:09 am edt
here is an interesting 12 year olds question
what makes a place successful economically?
dad and I and scots since adam smith and james wilson (founder of The Economist who died of there being no oral rehydration in calcutta when he was tring to dismatle raj economics in calcuta back in 1863?) have always assumed productive and healthy people, open education, clean natural resources- dr yunus lectre to glasgow university on what adam smith actually said confirms this
if we microeconomits are right where is a 12 year old's first book on economics? - nowwhere! - why not write one and at the same time make a wiki pedia out of it - decent social business opportunity!
just one idea worth pitching on june 29 - do come or tell us ideas you want pitched in absentia
Monday, April 20, 2009
20 april 2009
11:50 am edt
Dear Sir Keith
Wonderful speaking to you on telephone today- here’s the dr yunus good news story.
My father and I feel that networks connected with Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus are mapping the most exciting entrepreneurial breakthroughs using the internet. They have already reduced the cost of basic banking by ten fold - making it possible for the poorest to get loans to create work, as well as communally collaborating on ending poverty. Father and I bought 1000 copies of Dr Yunus new book at the start of last year since we felt that it is the only one that truly values the compound impacts of sustainability investment.
Last year we hosted a lunch for dr yunus in London and this year I am arranging for a 69th birthday party for dr yunus in Dhaka . He particularly wants students around the world to understand that there is an alternative system design forward to the macro way of Wall Street’s big banks. Since he was awarded the Nobel prize he has been challenging most resourced organizations to partner with his deepest grassroots service networks, and celebrate the outcomes with youth. These future capitalism partnerships guarantee no loss to the corporations involved but any surplus of the joint social business is reinvested in replicating the franchise. For example, with the French water multinational Veolia’s capability to filtrate out arsenic, Grameen has just opened up drinking water sold at 80 times less cost than any commercial water supplier.
In effect Dr Yunus is offering corporations a far better way to global brand than spending money just on advertising.
Health partnerships are the overall top focus of Dr Yunus with about five signed up his first 12 months of launching future capitalism – including GE : imaging, Mayo Clinic: training, Pfeizer: health insurance. I log up new partnerships that I hear of at The two attachments are talking points which Dr Yunus inspired 2000 delegates with at last weeks including details of his progress on $2 health insurance which is at
It would be fantastic if anyone comes to your mind in Britain who might be interested in exploring the idea of collaborating with Dr Yunus’ health vision and partnerships further. I can either put them in contact with the most relevant people in Bangladesh or if there are any young researchers of others who would want to join in our day’s brainstorming with dr yunus on June 29, of course they would be most welcome
I have researched innovative organizations all my life and never come across one with people doing so much with so little as grameen. They still treat the internet as a blessing that can change every way that knowledge is connected unlike many organizations in the west.
Chris Macrae
Saturday, April 18, 2009
You can ask Mostofa any details you like. He has been working directly with dr yunus leadership secretariat on youth outreach on surrounding interview/field visits program for Dhaka june 29 as announced at . This has been exponentially increasing since the Nobel prize when citizens around the world asked dr yunus to develop forum social network spaces with them and where dr yunus prioritised undergraduate city centres as one area to collaborate with. Dr Yunus has spent about 50 days a year connecting with youth since the nobel prize; june 29 is an opportunity to debrief what the future impacts of this are from all hemispheres of interaction and social business networking tools, and content resources eg (host some good news dialogues) (mobile) (leadership choices that adam smith might have expected open business universities or world service media could debate) (health) (energy)
8:47 pm edtI am just a mathematician, and both my dad and I have applied our lives mainly to crises in media models. I was fascinated by dr yunus future capitalism book as it is the only open publication with sustainability investment metrics congruent with my dad http:/// and my's compound/systemic standards not just in banking but all major areas of sustainability . It shows that after the nations first third of a century, Bangladesh is well on the way to inviting the world to join in 10 times more economical banking * health * education * media * energy ..see also the new publishing genre innovationg collaboration that Bangladeshi networking friends of Dr Yunus launched at start of this year..and the netfuture scenario of compound opportunity of ending digital divides of dad and my 1984 book summary in future history section of -specific 1984 forecast 21st C sustainability would need a reality tv program on poverty museum apprenticeships co-produced by DD and BBC, hosted by a nobel laureate and connected to internet searches for 30000 replicable community rising projects by interactive viewers My friends and I are trying to invite as deeply concerned people as possible who either know my family's microeconomic models in these practrice areas or who are leading youth's collaborations bottom-up including eg obama yes we can networks to converge on dhaka at june 29 orv who support the bangladeshi national strategy as scripted by alumini of people like yunus and fazle abed. Unfortunately USA yes we can self-confidence of american youth is being shredded with every falso move or delay in rectifying the corruptions wall street reigned and still reigns over. With George Bush being the 21st C's Kaiser Wilhelm, we are now probably at the last crossroads in the war between microeconomics (sustainability) and macroeconomics (which gandhi/einstein/von neumann to name but 3 all warned would compound a unsustainable planet at local levels. A crossroads impacting a whole generation or probably as Einstein anticipated our whole species survival. If we can get the right sort of first reunion, perhaps we can make this an annual day after birthday party for dr yunus (this is his 69th year) and all who agree with his national startegy of bangladesh as number 1 sustainabuility investor/replicator/networker. I am sure far motre capable people than me exist to invite people to collaboration celebrations ensuring we dont return to old wall street's normalcy, but then playing with global branding concepts is what I have done for 20 years since my 1989 book world calss brands. Its quite possible to experiment on big ideas with as low cost as experimenting on small ideas. why wouldnt the next generation want to make poverty museums their collaboration space race if only elders encouraged them not to lurk now I will bcc you on a few mails that show how our homework is developing, or please ask more specific questions My maternal grandad was britain's main barrister interfacing with gandhi over the quarter century from the 1920s that removed top-down colonial profwessions- this makes a 6th area of collaboration the social MBA because currently MBAs are destructing worldwide sustainability as fast as the English were destructing Indian communities in the 1920s Do you know people like Ganesh and Modjtaba who have had to hear my stories on that topic since 2004 when I gave a Delhi talk (the coming wars between goodwill and badwill networks -what would a brand architecture for peace look like - co-sponsor sunil's company in india) at Indira Gandi Centre as part of the annual celebration of the global reconciliation network. cheers chris macrae Thursday, April 9, 2009
a response to sir martin at FT's old capitalism blog
2:39 pm edtMy exponential disagreement with Sir Martin reaches new heights. Everything to do with trust-flow, communal goodwill and transparency of information, of which brands are a pivotal connector, has been misvalued by Global Accounting's Light Brigade who measure how much money they take out every quarter to the exclusion of how much productive and demanding sustainability is being compounded into the future's purpose of the identity (brand) or network identity (worldwide sector and/or brand partnering architecture). Back in 2000 Brookings issued a report "unseen wealth" forecasting that whilst the missing maths of trilliondollaraudit went unaccounted for, risk would compound ever more bubbles - as we saw with dotcoms, andersen, enron, other ponzi schemes, corporations that claimed they could not afford to be the first to lead industry sector responsibility, housing, banking, rating agencies, insurance. Meanwhile what wasn't invested in while these short-term rulers towered down on us includes healthcare, green energy, education, jobs created at community levels. In the midst of this mass media has played a depressing and distractional role that has often gone way beyond inconvenient truth. Obama has said we have tried top-down global and our lesson is it does not work. The idea that the pendulum will swing back to the old normalcy seems wholly unreasonable -and in these times ungracious - to communicate. part of a 20 year debate on how the maths of brand valuation did not need to value image over reality, speculator value over shareholder integrating value, Andersen-logo campaigns over identifying 21st century responsiblity of the big 5 accounants,...
thanks Bill, and a new question - are life insurers (MET, PRU, HIG, LNC, GNW, AIG) on the brink
12:40 am edtthere's certainly a lot to like about the format of the chrismartenson presentation but thanks too for the heads up of being wary about the motivation one of the other pennies that dropped today was people really need to search through not just the immediate barons of wall street who are trying everything they can to influence (I would say pervert) democracy of treating bankrupt organisations as bankrupt by calling what they own too big to fail but the indirect barons it wasnt obvious to me until it was mentioned that one of the biggest owners of junk banks is probably warren buffett - so even those who I guess many of us have previously assumed were sensible investors as opposed to speculators may not be worth trusting in this of all risky moments I guess I fera for Obama because I am not sure he has anyone in his inner circle capable of searching this independently chris --- On Thu, 9/4/09, Bill Sharon wrote: Subject: RE: a thread on did x really say that about banking | ||||||
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