Top3: JH & DH & FL & Alg 3-2022:LBH
Deutsche Bank:::hewlett packard :: Softbank:: Samsung:: :siemens:: salesforce ::blackrock   ::snowflake::BMW BNP:: foxconn :: dell::ford ....Coming To King Charles Language Modeling 100 Most Joyful Collabs inspired by Taiwan-Americans & Grace Hopper fans:  J1  Barbados amazon   Anthropic :: databricks
Climate AI::Silico -CLARA=BIOtech:: Genentech::CADENCE:: Hassabis::: CZI-Priscilla Chan ::; BioNeMo :: eg at snowflake::
Who's Human Intelligence Who? 400 : 300 : 200 : 100 YL 2025 celebrates report that stanford and deep mind's human ai valley = United Humans benchmark of worldwide edu livelihood syytems of sdg generation2021 (celebrate 20 years on from 2001 wake upcall to silicon valley when 2001 abed and steves jobs' dream of womens world coop uni zooms womens hi-trust hi-goodness intel everywhere so that all people become lifelong students and mentors2022 worlds deepest health servant leaders reunited real communities simultaneously so what's 2023=24 to linkin first
.welcome - pls click here if you want to start at top of blog of AI and UN goals superstars

Thursday, January 1, 1970

#beyond extinction: ref: 1970 is quite a good starting line to play good intergenerational survival game
Humans :prevent extinction with this 9 piece vision jigsaw and UN Guterres DC Roadmap
9 Ms Gates &
5 FFL &
1 Jobs &
8 Guterres &
7 Brooklyn Ms T&
6Nvidia Ceo &
4 google CEO &
2 JYK health&
3 Mooc & Moc &
ED & DC2: 100 times more tech every decade has changed everything since UN was birthed 1945 to unite beings in ending wars and celebrating productive opportunity of every next girl born out of any GPS; -and it will change 32 new tours of world by 2030 if millennials win-win-win the SDGs,games by 2030 ...BUT which universities and school systems are helping youth connect PRACTICES most needed for last mile sustainability everywhere children are born to co-create with mother earth?; people ask where did this survey begin? - some of our most inspiring women empowerment friends say a millennium dinner party between steve jobs family and fazle abed; others celebrate with starting uo 1964 when satellite telecoms (at the Tokyo O) first demonstrated interconnecting beings coms & every gps ; others may build societal learning exponentials around the NET (Neumann-Einstei-Turing : Princeton 1939) as first team visioning Architects of Intelligence ??? rsvp -no right answer only urgent needs to design deep maths plug-ins with bard or whomever you tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorow around -hey bard: please dish me up 3 ppts teachers of teens could apply to vision with TTT
... Help upd 1984's 2025Report as 2024's UNSummitFuture