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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

5er trading maps and 21st c sustainability economis

when competing or collaborating fazle abed was always enginneering 5 different levels of markets - nb what might look good short-term in one might be a cancer in the other- markets as systems are holnic

perfect franchise one village; adaptaion to leading solution across 200k villages; leading national value chain; leading a global market; leading a worlwide virtual market

adaptation to leading a national market and connection with all end-poverty solutions in this market
example over time brac has needed to design  finacial service solutions at all these leves
ulta poor - grant and training prior to being able to entreprenurialy apply microfimance
microfinance village community gtoups
city banking for vilage youth immigrants to city-eg daughter os the firstv generation village mothers
mercant banking needs for the poor - eg curency insurances
international network first to make  remittances lowest cost - one third of bangladesh foreign currency cone from remittances- throiugh which diaspoora sends mone offten to the poorest village family member acrss family trees whic have hundreds of living members- bracs international hq in netg=herlands is aklso needed 1 to fundriase globally for brac in bangladesh , 2 a bangladesh ngo cant work on ending poverty abroad- in other words to replicare brac learning abroad international funbd raising muyst be a fifferent audited system than brac's oridins servinbg bangladesh

virtual finance partnerships such as
professiomal assocition of most trusted purposel communty- centred banking models