Top3: JH & DH & FL & Alg 3-2022:LBH
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Thursday, October 31, 2019

VESTY -1960S top 5 solution spaces - for humn development/united nations

Village- eg alumni of american borlaug changed local crop science so billins no longer died of famine
Engineering smarter
Satellites & space communications -telecommute, telehealth, tel-educate, tele-finance, ... prioritise tech innovations for those previously left out of livesmatter in age of machine & human
Tech offering 100 times more analytic power every decade from late 1960s -moores law around which silicon valley born to free in 1972
Youth and real heroines can achieve mission impossible goals eg moon race if humanity cheers them on - imagine world series of earth races as exciting as moon landing -economist entreprenur-futures surveys 1972-1982 call forchande in legislation to value startup networking out of every place with a future