Top3: JH & DH & FL & Alg 3-2022:LBH
Deutsche Bank:::hewlett packard :: Softbank:: Samsung:: :siemens:: salesforce ::blackrock   ::snowflake::BMW BNP:: foxconn :: dell::ford ....Coming To King Charles Language Modeling 100 Most Joyful Collabs inspired by Taiwan-Americans & Grace Hopper fans:  J1  Barbados amazon   Anthropic :: databricks
Climate AI::Silico -CLARA=BIOtech:: Genentech::CADENCE:: Hassabis::: CZI-Priscilla Chan ::; BioNeMo :: eg at snowflake::
Who's Human Intelligence Who? 400 : 300 : 200 : 100 YL 2025 celebrates report that stanford and deep mind's human ai valley = United Humans benchmark of worldwide edu livelihood syytems of sdg generation2021 (celebrate 20 years on from 2001 wake upcall to silicon valley when 2001 abed and steves jobs' dream of womens world coop uni zooms womens hi-trust hi-goodness intel everywhere so that all people become lifelong students and mentors2022 worlds deepest health servant leaders reunited real communities simultaneously so what's 2023=24 to linkin first
.welcome - pls click here if you want to start at top of blog of AI and UN goals superstars

Monday, December 31, 2007

Xmas 2007: we first traveled to Bangladesh to ask whether youth could help transform education and economics around the worldwide goal of ending poverty. In 2009 we hosted a party with brac and grameen directors. Our dreams of learning from both Yunus and Fazle Abed started to disappear as ever more conflicts surrounded yunus. We started to see tech wizards gravitating round BRAC. To remember the passing of The Economist's Norman Macrae the Japan embassy asked Fazle Abed to host 2 roundtables on the future of teach and of Brac University. 2017: Alipay's first published partnership with sir fazle abed. In 20 dec 2019 sir fazle abed died. This brings us to our number 1 search of 2020s - can ali and brac scholars help youth be the first SDG generation?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Selection of PovertyMuseums newsletters 2008 In january yunus technology director asks for worldwide search of next stage of developing village hubs- as pro-youth journalists know know: in the pre-digital era it took yunus directors 7 years to develop their centre format (massively repicated from 1983) in which one branch manager could network 60 by 60 hubs of village women (walked to by POP/bareffoot banker once a week) being responsible for their livelihoods and the sustainability of the 3600 families tey represented - in other words each grameen bank branch served life critical needs of about 20000 peopaulo freire type action learning network arouhd 16 decisions; and the (first no financial service didtributed by bank managers- carrott seeds)- so that every centre was twinned with a vegetable garden); and groups of 60 women organsiing their mnen to develo sanitation systems around pit latrinnes, and then aan aga khan award for the safest minimalist cyclone proof hut with an unique mortgage system (only the mother coould take pout tyhe lopa- so for the first time village women and their children were more legally secure than their husbands)_ because of this bottom-up hub structire yusnu was choseb by by soros, MIT and telenor to be worlds first partner in experimnnting with mobile phmne empowerment of village women back in 1996 but the biggest question of end poverty world at start of 2008 was - what ahs been learnt form fisrt 12 years of mobile women4empowement and what are most exciting timmping points are parallel experiments around mobile now freeing around world of ending poverty -and PovertyUni that may most openly study this during 2008 Kenya became a world leader in answering this quesion - see stories of IHUB and ushahidi, and mpesa and safari, and how tis all started back in 1999 wit yujus friend ingrid munro inventing te world's nmber 1 model of banking for slums and happy families here youth are trusted to rebuiold communities

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Selection of PovertyMusuems Newsletters Dec 2007 to date

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Selection of PovertyMuseums newsletters 2014


visiting Japan for first time in 20 years- always the place that inspired 2 generation of my family most having started the quality systems revolution out of which electronics and computers became possible- and tus starting 1960-2060 as asia pacific collaboration century

 here are my souvenir business cards as I chat to medical students at tokyo university, sons of Toyota presidents and Dr Yunus main connector in Japan - Okada-san