Top3: JH & DH & FL & Alg 3-2022:LBH
Deutsche Bank:::hewlett packard :: Softbank:: Samsung:: :siemens:: salesforce ::blackrock   ::snowflake::BMW BNP:: foxconn :: dell::ford ....Coming To King Charles Language Modeling 100 Most Joyful Collabs inspired by Taiwan-Americans & Grace Hopper fans:  J1  Barbados amazon   Anthropic :: databricks
Climate AI::Silico -CLARA=BIOtech:: Genentech::CADENCE:: Hassabis::: CZI-Priscilla Chan ::; BioNeMo :: eg at snowflake::
Who's Human Intelligence Who? 400 : 300 : 200 : 100 YL 2025 celebrates report that stanford and deep mind's human ai valley = United Humans benchmark of worldwide edu livelihood syytems of sdg generation2021 (celebrate 20 years on from 2001 wake upcall to silicon valley when 2001 abed and steves jobs' dream of womens world coop uni zooms womens hi-trust hi-goodness intel everywhere so that all people become lifelong students and mentors2022 worlds deepest health servant leaders reunited real communities simultaneously so what's 2023=24 to linkin first
.welcome - pls click here if you want to start at top of blog of AI and UN goals superstars

Friday, December 31, 1999

which leaders and brand networks do under 30s need to be alumni of to be the sustainability generation? votes welcome - ps as diaspora scots we believe that family trees develop sustainable economics especially SDGIRLS- tell us if your family has helped youth sustain more value than

update 2020 - top 10 networks for students and teachers of sdgs generation to be alumni of

1 fazle abed' and partners 50 years of helping billion poorest women develop global villages- health partners kim farmer soros gates; financial partners gates, jack ma, quadirs/mit, education partners cambridge, wise, yidan, -brac u and bux; food security partners most borlaug alumni, japan aid - country-grant partners netherlands, britain

2 schwarzman scholars- college partners 100 nations joining tsingua beijing , oxford rhodes -also epicentre of virus research , mit boston

3 jack ma partners - commerce alibaba partners, finance ant finance parters, education un and new foundations of ma from 2019 includes histo9ric mentoring by soft bank masa son and yahoo's jerry yang

4 top 10 livesmatter cities including vienna and hong kong

infrastructure investment banking partners of china and japan and korea and asian - includes 26 nations railway - see tours 1 2

help search out rest of top 10


Chartering Thoughtpad

Windows <1>to <15>click to 1996 Handbook 16 to 20 links to Value Exchange (VE) Business Modeling
CREATEComm'nsBrand profileESSENCE
Who would uniquely miss what if this brand did not exist?
IDENTITY What inventory of design codes are invested in the brand? How is each code actually being translated in branding smart , visible and memorable relationships,?

HERITAGE/ FRIENDSHIP What else carries over from yesterday's relationships with consumers/clients which explains why we are who we are?
What effect does past culture have on the future?
FUTURE NEWS What else to "do now" to keep brand newsworthy and fit for competing in future business environments?What sorts of products/services will it have in five years time?
OTHER CREATEWhat else can (re)create leadership and ensure that we cannot be outpositioned by competitors?

MANAGEactionsMASTER-BRIEFING As the economies of new types of media proliferate, how do we ensure consistently efficient integration of contributions from all of our creative agencies? "Glocally"!?
What jobs are the different media channels doing?
QUALITY& VALUE How do we get perceived competitive quality and value consistently right for every consumer and customer with every product and service directed in the brand's name?
How do we set goals and measureperformance?
FLOW/NET-WORKINGAs brand formation flows across the organisation, is every department contributing optimally to the success of the brand?
Are experts sharing their topline knowhow on process opportunities and risks?
UMBRELLA CONNECTIONS Are we making full use of new marketing rules associated with umbrella and banner brands?
Do managers understand how marketing's "rules of targeting" must be balanced by "rules of connecting"?
What else would enhance teamwork and support balanced management of the brand's objectives? Eg how do we appraise managers for what they contribute in the medium term as well as the short term?<10>
DIRECTInvestmentsInnovation profileBRAND ARCHITECT What is brand's role within brand architecture? (eg corporate brand, product sub-brand?), Is the architecture focused at right levels and suitably interconnected to lead our sphere of business whatever types of world class competitor emerge?
Which employees feel threatened if we change our brand archi-tecture?<11>
STRATEGYARCHITECT Are there any other disconnections between our strategic visions and the totality of our brand architecture? Eg do we have the right core competences?
Who will be our competitors and will be our partners?

ORGANISATIONARCHITECAre there disconnections between our organisational missions, roles, culture etc and our brand architecture? Eg do we set the right performance goals for branding to keep control of the added value chain?

DRAMA OF LEADERSHIP Is the brand's purpose motivating enough and so well understood that everyone in the business team urgently senses what to "do now"?
Who is really responsible for the brand's goals?
Are we fearless in identifying with the change scenarios that will earn our stakeholders' trust?

What else connects each brand and the brand architecture with prioritised organisational capabilities and strategic competences?

business MODELVE profile
What value do consumers uniquely want from us? ( If our VE is not already buyer-centric, when & how do we change from being seller-centric? )
How do we build this in as a win-win in our VEBusiness Modeling?
What value do employees most want from us?
How do we build this in as a win-win in our VEBusiness Modeling?
Business Modeling?
 Business Modeling?
Who are the other stakeholders whose relationship loyalty we depend on? What do they want and how do we build them into our VEBusiness Modeling?

Saturday, December 25, 1999

Please book any Synonyms to Poverty Museum or POP (Preferential Option Poor)

Map and cclebrate world class profesisonals who lives with the poor, and also diagnose what failed systems compound poverty traps and needs your networks' help to dissolve these, and whose urgency for mediating social action sees it as a sin not to app modern tech to life critical solutions prioritised by poorest