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Friday, April 3, 2015

PovertyMuseums Micro Newsletter, april -send in worldwide envoy actions by april 30 for next news -< -PM archives
  1.  obama brings his last entrepreneur summit to kenya july; 
  2. Yazmi's 5 billion person elearning satellite 1 2 asked by kenya (during UN womens 1 2 3 summit in march to search water solutions next 
  3.  world banks launch of open learning campus last month began with citizen engagement 1 2 but were's the POP? 
  4.  Its just been announced that Pope Francis is offerening Obama a masterclass on POP on 23 september the day before his review with US congress- this means number 1 envoy question of 2015 is lileky to be how do we free student union clubs everywere to understand and celebrate pop earlier newsletter selection