Openly accessible statistical data sources. Don’t forget to stay critical, especially of composite indicators
- National and International Statistical Agencies
- Climate Change (World Bank)
- Eurostat
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United States - Statistics Division
- Gapminder
- Intergovernmental Center on Climate Change Data Distribution Centre
- International Labour Organization
- International Monetary Fund
- Millenium Development Goals
- SIPRI Arms Transfers Database
- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- World Bank
- World Energy Council
- World Trade Organisation
- UNDP Human Development
- UN National Accounts
- UN Population Information Network
International Section:
Regular Publications of International organisations and NGOs since 2010. Note that sometimes the site asks you for a username and password. If you press ‘cancel’ it usually takes you through to the document anyway. If this doesn’t work, just copy/paste the title into Google.
Amnesty International:
‘Small States Digest’ is published twice a year and can be downloaded freely from here
Credit Suisse:
Human Rights Watch:
International Monetary Fund:
IMF report are available in Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian and Spanish at the links below:
IMF's ‘World Economic Outlook’ is published quarterly and is available here
International Organization for Migration
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
The 'Development Cooperation' reports are also available in French
Transparency International
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
The 'Economic Development in Africa' Reports are also available in French. If the links below do not function, the reports can be downloaded from here
UNCTAD's 'Global Investment Trends Monitor', published quarterly can be downloaded here
UNCTAD's 'Least Developed Countries' Reports are also available in Spanish and French (but not all). If the links below do not function, the reports can be downloaded from here
UNCTAD's 'Trade and Development' Reports are also available in Chinese, Japanese, French, Spanish and Russian here
Trade and Development Report 2010
UNCTAD's 'World Investment Reports'. If the links below do not function, the reports can be downloaded from can be found here
World Investment Report 2010
United Nations Department of Social and Economic Affairs (UN DESA)
United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)
UN ESCAP's Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific reports:
UN ESCAP's Situation reports: