Nobody has yet matched - billion plus people Borlaug's improvementd in crop science saved from staravation - roling out from 1950( his lab was in mexico; his original concern mid west darmes (where he had grown up ) - See Food Prize
Magically whst Botlaug first did for American crops like wheat had even greated impact on dar east rince; whu=ile IRRI was opened mid 50s phillipnnes -Japan , Korea South, Taiwan acelerate Japan Korea South Taiwan - and teawan became a second spicentre bit fir rice and fruit When Taiwan starts sharing knowhow we have learnt to look uo - be thattoday's superships, (also 1976 china invited first private companies mixing - priorities were lecences to wealth expates eg wfo could build infrastructure as well aws small village
WHAT MIGHT 2020s AI leap foward on?
We are still clarifying stahes but the come from our sources (500 most human intelligences) so we are hopeful
From Bezos Earth Fund
From Emerald Planet
From Hoover-Stanford (Condolleza Rice has surbeyed Fei-Dei Li and 11 other engineers in fast chnaging soaces to help design annual brief to sonngress SETR - Stanfird Emering Tech Review -here her professor of biotech replies
xAgriculture's next billion jobs also at facebook- blessed value exchange models that end middlemen in crops which either have very social or very healthy local benefits when diaspora value chains design end to end solution- leapfrog with cashless agricultural microbanking ( credit, energy , connectivity) and satellite elearning of job creating curriculum farming families milllenials need. Connections between sustainable agriculture and green energy and clean water streaming everywhere