johns hopkins (President Ron Daniels) is worth watching - bloomberg has put noigh on 20 billion dollars into primarily 2 things - becoming trusted by mayors around world for exchanges of solutions on going green nd health care and especially how artificial intel is transforiming opportunities and risks
connecting professors who are expert at ai/engineering and one oractice subject - either in medicine or in other community solutions inckuding kastr mile agruculture, all natures flows has always served baltimore communities - but bloomberg has also arranged for a presentation /conference campus at 555 penn avenue making it literally the capus next to congress.
hopkins is only one of 12 universities in world that nvidia invited to be from 2010 cuda excellebce centre- ie its had access to comp needed to do deep learning and seen the needs of deep learners from day 1- we can see a lot fh nvidia's adiances at its on demand site
talks with nvidia founder jensen huang
here are healthy talks...
hopkins has for long earned right toi call itself number 1 reserach univeisrtity in amrica- essentuially it is trusted on technilgy civil service eneeds to see sustainable solutions on beyong any one adminstration - this applies to akl the helath bodies eg nif fda cdc; or all the energy, or all the agriculture as well as security and other govtech
president ron daniels has been encouraged by Bloomberg to author book what do universities owe democracy and is funded to establix 100 mainly new bloomberg distinguished chairs - typically chairs must both have a pratice field and an engineering, data or ai cometenence see also AIX & intelligences orbiting bloomberg
let start with youth tibe chanels of johns hopkins and see where leaps forward are being made
presidents office
whitiing engineerinhg/ai school
medical school
carey business school
hopkins overall
Agora at Hopkins
Johns Hopkins Center for talented youth
not all of my favorite hopkins lecrires have n=been yourubed but here are soem early examples of why hopkins may be linking in unique pathway if you an east caost american