the most frugal
james grant school of public health bangladesh - one of who's 7 best for peoples
merged with bangladesh one unique lab (since 1960s) cholera, with all inteligence accumlated by hames gtant and fale abed (now one of brac university's jewels in the ciwn
in parallel yunus has shown how to import some franchsise modesl eg 3-10 times less costly cacatalyst operations from aravind india
brac was origin of oral rtehydration saving up to third of lives of infanrs in tropical vilages and of TB treatment - some tb needs treating daily for up to a year - first thing to do train staff who have survived tb and cant get it agaian both jim kim and parners found that tb and hiv needed changing at who early 2000s and made this the global fund project brac also has desigbed since early 1970s wholesale value chain of basuic meds - this enables 1 woman per 300 himos to be franchisee of doordashing on foor family basic med needs - over the years these para health woekers have helped organise mass vaccinations and are trsuted as firs reference oint- brac hgas also develpoed lowest coat best quality birthing services additionally one of ways mobile has been used is to track various health indicatirs where health worker only get a few cents per survey but the mobile can do the accounting and ensure she gets her money even in low amounts through eg bkash whic being electronic has brought cost of record keeping to clost to zero
there are also overlaps especially durinf first 100 days wuth nutrition - child bodyor brain may get permanently underdelopd if nutrition is too little but again because para health workers visit everyone on their route weekly can provide early warning / intervention in time; prevention of diseases are coire to frugal system design; james grantd runs swome courses worlds top experts in eg cholera attend as its the most experiebced intel space more to come | . |