NSF : NairrPilot; AI-Institute Booklet 09/3 - web. Deep Learning Cases Year 16 Q1 - source Nvidia & top 100 partners in 21st C accelerated computing -Top3 Humans of DL: JH & DH & FL & Alg 3-2022:LBH
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Climate AI::Silico -CLARA=BIOtech:: Genentech::CADENCE:: Hassabis::: CZI-Priscilla Chan ::; BioNeMo :: eg at snowflake:: ..insurance

 www.ai20s.com HIR-KELM- Do you need to know about Xponential Kings English Language Modesl -in full throttle since OCT 2023 fusion of Pacific Coasts' Human Intelligence Reality & Atlantic's Kl? HIR has been very good at brainstorming the coming of 10**18 "moore" computational and data trnasmission tech. Moore's Law started this engineering gift to humanity 1965; my favorite year's giant leap by engineers is Valley brainstorming 2009: primarily 3 wizards' nets brainstormed application of next wave of accelerated computing (Team Huang) and chose Games transformation around Einstein 1905 logics (Team Hassabis eg open sourcing 250 milion protein databab alphafold3) and democatising (girl empowering) every human's coding of digital intel by training machines to adapt to human modes of communicating and sensing mother earth (Team Fei-Fei Li who this week launchedworldlabs.ai as her friends latest north star platform). Given accidental system failures in transtalantic's mediation of 2001, 2005, 2009, 2021 the world's 8 nillion vitizens owes great debt to Pacific (especially Valley) in keeping Human Intelligence Reality within reach of sustainable generation of millennials. It seems that from October 2023 to end of school year 24-25 every aspect of KELM will be tested eg US Nairr Pilot Executive Order & Chips Acts together with King Charles AI world series (London , Seoul, Paris ...), NY next week UNsummitfuture and NVidia world in DC October 7-9. We need hundreds of cities' peoples to celebrate intelligence inclusion. One way helping transatlantic Americans to transform attention is Bloomberg's commitment to smartest 100 mayors to get their peoples deepest intelihgence needs openly researched by Amerca's number 1 reearch univeristy Johns Hopkins. The US Department of Energy has located America's bigget computing powers across 13 national regions so that while DC' NiST orchestrates the US www.NAIRRpilot.org , 13 reigonal HIRs can blossom and factually NAIRRS are the consequence of NIST deciding to fund Fei-Fei Li nearly 20 years ago. More on how Queen Victioia way back 1843 asked Economits to tranform English Constitution imoact worldwide in 1843 at www.economistdiary.com .

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SOS 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 . Economistdiary.com

US NAIRR PILOT AI ::Exec Orders US,10/23:: MD 1/24


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YL 2025 celebrates report that stanford and deep mind's human ai valley = United Humans benchmark of worldwide edu livelihood syytems of sdg generation2021 (celebrate 20 years on from 2001 wake upcall to silicon valley when 2001 abed and steves jobs' dream of womens world coop uni zooms womens hi-trust hi-goodness intel everywhere so that all people become lifelong students and mentors2022 worlds deepest health servant leaders reunited real communities simultaneously so what's 2023=24 to linkin first
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Saturday, November 30, 2019

5e's franchise effective efficient expandable electrify e-

after ten yoera of interviewing fazle abed and 45 years of market research for the biggest corporates in the world, i recommend two frameworks for valuibg how revolutionary and entrepreneurail fazle abed's approach was to human development economics and the business politics of multilareal aid and trade

the 5e's of microfrahising- if you live in the developed world you have probably heard of mcdonalds- it began when the mcdonalds family worked out in one location how parallel teams (5-8 people at busy times of say) could serve food fast, consistently 24/7, matching family's taste buds, affordably; they also worked out how to do it in 2 locations; but what made this a global business was replication to hundreds, thousands, hundred thousands. if you look at any service business team replication as well as property and supply chain is integral to market leadership potential as ensuring a positive cash flow model 365/24/7. however the reason a western corporation does this is not about sustainable community building. most if not all of the value the team serves does not stay with them or in the community but is extracted for the global owners. what makes abed's approach extraordinary- what if human development neds franchising solutions as focused as a global franchiser but where most or all of the vale produced stays the the front line servers and community building 

this is where the 5 e's come in- actually for the first 30 years of village development the first 3e's
effective does/solves what is needed
efficient- can never be bettered on cost and quality- relentless double checking that the solution is staying ahead of any relevant change 
expandable- as we have noted a franchise is just about one or two locations- nor can impatful poverty alleviation be- the first principle of fazle abed that i saw on 4 one hour videos of his lifework up to 2000 was - small may be beautiful but in bangladesh large scale is essential

the 4th and 5th e's only become relevant when you are helping people develop who for the first time can access electricity and can mobilise e- (digital)
-to understand why fazle abed always needed to explore the double loop of deeply local to humanly global we need to understand th5 market levels - on village, 200k vilages, national leadership, impacting the global market of aid and trade, playing in the worldwide or digital/virtual not just real world of compound goodwill

in more detail- consider the first 3e's

in asia the term villager means peoples without access to electricity grids or other commons utilities eg running water

two thirds of humans are asians and shocking even when western man raced to the moon in 1960s most of world's people still had no access to electricity -exact figures dont matter to appreciate the tranformational challenge the era of mainly 8 empires had trapped humanity in with 2 worldwars by 1945
half of people without electricuity were on asian continent
just over 10% of people - in africa
up to 5% in latin and central america
-add in some rest of world others and two thirds of human race hadn't yet access to what peoples in deveoped countries took for granted from the first 18 decades od nachines and humans-

from 1970 to 1990s networks of fazle abed empowering girl villagers only had the first 3 e's to build with- how fazle abed selected hi-trust partners to apply the coming of electricity by solar and e- by mobilephones requires detailed studies - eg what came first second third- why did each new partner see a win-win-win; how did poorest village girls networks ensure their sdg purposes never got lost in brac's brand architecture - more coming soon

in population terms bangladesh started as a top 10 country and the very poorest
miraculously for human development - continental south china )the nation with one fifth of human beings) had the same urgent village problems- over and over bangladesh and chinese village girls shared live saving microfranchises - they explored the 5 e's like no other network- bottom up empowerment coalitions are not political in the way western empires frame media and legislatures - it would be a pity not to learn from the gretest everr human development miracle just because no politcal party in your place has people who started with as little in life as the asian village girl of 1970- you cant really be authentic to metoo or lives matter advances of the human lot unless you are prepared to accompany a baby asian gir's introduction to mother earth