since us decalaration of AI Exec Order year agio oct 30 , 2023
dimplocay ai has seen
3 kings ai world series - charles at Blletch;ley relayed to Korea May 2024 and Paris Feb 2025
Nvidia has upped its biannual summots in snata jose marcg and taiwan computext summer to 5
ictober 2924 saw dc andmumbai; now 2024 sees tokyo
Johs Hipkins opening of 555 penn avenue unites intelligence research and dayta mayors need-, 10th yera of data ct
wirh geman ai democracy see table= with JHU democracy host Ona Ambrozaite,
For those of us fo.owing vin neumann advice that intelligence is practical/engineered learning
which younger half of world of 21st C most need to be first
renewable generation it appears that youth and teacgers most want to share 1 Bniotech
and med for all breamthrough
Clmate tech and disaaster prevention relief recovery intel
Women empowered intel makinhg commuunities safe and happy
for families to develop around goals 1 to 5 and Leadership transfromation 6-8,
9-12, 13-16
6-8 what do 4 billion milelials livelihods connect in green
Leaership of 9-12 remapping grid infarstructires – endingh boudaries
as weher expenentiual risk multiplies or is exteralsied
POLC goals 16,14,15,13
Rel;ief &
climate ai |
Omnieverse robitics
digital twins |
From net to
,ed &
biotechgdeep revlution eg 250 million potein alphafold 3 |
Eg nvidia earh2.0 |
Eg nvidia
clara and deep mind alpafold3 |
Kimgs AI
world series – charles, Japam e,mperor guidts macron, pm kporea |
Ywin sister
ai aka ai piplomacy Germany
science diplomacy ai NY Mayirs |
Home gamily
safe 1 billion girls intel empowered ouit f rural vilages from 1971 – see eg
yunus bangla2.0 and 100 natio9ns benchm,arkimnh g taht |
See and
c0nverse machihens as very good before becomimng autnonpous |
previoius diplonacy ai event with Finland on quantum weeek of annual quantum conference in DC