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Chris (DC-CI Deep Computing-Intelligence Communally) Macrae MA DAMTP Cantab

DC-CI is all we need. world where one interview each week changes every intelligent possibility -eg 555 penn ave 9 August or axios sustainability AI 23 july or ZuHu 
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.welcome - pls click here if you want to start at top of blog of AI and UN goals superstars

Saturday, December 31, 2016

US Journey Yunus 2008-2016 from SFG 1 purpose of money to SFG 16 peace

 When our diary first covered Ynnus in USA Jan 2008 he was trying to help Ameriicans prevent subprime sdg1

At his last meetings celebrating youth yes you can USA - he was going for peace summit to twin with UNGA launch of SDGs

Now he's back in 2024 for 5 says UN SummitFuture NY Sept 25


More on summits of Nobel Peace Laureates- My understanding is that Gorbachev began anuakl invitations to a special event where all the speakers were nobel peace laureates; i was privilieged to watch one in Warsaw 2013 (sadly Gorbachev was ill but Lech Walesa's speech blew my mind and Yunus was on good form; Walesa explained how Russia still owned many value chains which eg Poland suplied parts to and his ubneasy feeling that Rissia hadnt given up on reaquiring many of the oled ussr states; For many tears the secretariat of world peace summist was the environmental Club of Rome (then in Rome now I think in Switerland).

 Fall 2024, of 200+ leaders supporting Yunus redsign Bangladesh , Nobel Laureates led the way 

Nobel Laureates


Albert Arnold Gore Jr., Peace, 2007,   Barack H. Obama, Peace, 2009,  H.E. José Ramos Horta, Peace, 1996,  Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, Peace, 1976,  Shirin Ebadi, Peace, 2003, Mohamed ElBaradei, Peace, 2005 ,Leymah Roberta Gbowee, Peace, 2011,  Tawakkol Karman, Peace, 2011,  Nadia Murad, Peace, 2018,  Denis Mukwege, Peace, 2018,  Dmitry Muratov, Peace, 2021,  Oscar Arias Sanchez, Peace, 1987  Juan Manuel Santos, Peace, 2016,  Jody Williams, Peace, 1997


Thomas R. Cech, Chemistry, 1989,   Emmanuelle Charpentier, Chemistry, 2020  .Aaron Ciechanover, Chemistry, 2004  ,Johann Deisenhofer, Chemistry, 1988,  Gerhard Ertl, Chemistry, 2007,  Joachim Frank, Chemistry, 2017  ,Richard Henderson, Chemistry, 2017,  Roald Hoffmann, Chemistry, 1981,  Robert Huber, Chemistry, 1988,  Martin Karplus, Chemistry, 2013,  Brian K. Kobilka, Chemistry, 2012,  Roger D. Kornberg, Chemistry, 2006,  Yuan T. Lee, Chemistry, 1986,  Robert J. Lefkowitz, Chemistry, 2012,  Michael Levitt, Chemistry, 2013,  Hartmut Michel, Chemistry, 1988,  Paul L. Modrich, Chemistry, 2015,  William E. Moerner, Chemistry, 2014,  John C. Polanyi, Chemistry, 1986,  Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Chemistry, 2016,  Richard R. Schrock, Chemistry, 2005,  Sir John E. Walker, Chemistry, 1997,  Arieh Warshel, Chemistry, 2013,  Sir M. Stanley Whittingham, Chemistry, 2019,  Sir Gregory P. Winter, Chemistry, 2018


Finn E. Kydland, Economics, 2004,  Eric S. Maskin, Economics, 2007,  Christopher A. Pissarides, Economics, 2010,  Joseph E. Stiglitz, Economics, 2001


J. M. Coetzee, Literature, 2003,  Elfriede Jelinek, Literature, 2004,  Herta Muller, Literature, 2009,  Wole Soyinka, Literature, 1986


Werner Arber, Medicine, 1978,  David Baltimore, Medicine, 1975,  Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, Medicine, 2008,  Mario R. Capecchi, Medicine, 2007,  H. Robert Horvitz, Medicine, 2002,  Sir Michael Houghton, Medicine, 2020,  Tim Hunt, Medicine, 2001,  Louis J. Ignarro, Medicine, 1998,  William G. Kaelin Jr., Medicine, 2019,  Barry J. Marshall, Medicine, 2005,  Craig C. Mello, Medicine, 2006,  Edvard Moser, Medicine, 2014,  May-Britt Moser, Medicine, 2014,  Charles M. Rice, Medicine, 2020,  Sir Richard J. Roberts, Medicine, 1993,  Michael Rosbash, Medicine, 2017,  Randy W. Schekman, Medicine, 2013,  Gregg L. Semenza, Medicine, 2019,  Thomas C. Sudhof, Medicine, 2013,  Jack W. Szostak, Medicine, 2009,  Harold E. Varmus, Medicine, 1989,  Eric F. Wieschaus, Medicine, 1995,  Torsten N. Wiesel, Medicine, 1981


Hiroshi Amano, Physics, 2014,  Barry Clark Barish, Physics, 2017,  Steven Chu, Physics, 1997,  Andre Geim, Physics, 2010,  Sheldon Glashow, Physics, 1979,  David J. Gross, Physics, 2004,  Takaaki Kajita, Physics, 2015,  Wolfgang Ketterle, Physics, 2001,  Ferenc Krausz, Physics, 2023,  Anthony J. Leggett, Physics, 2003,    John C. Mather, Physics, 2006,  Michel Mayor, Physics, 2019,  Konstantin Novoselov, Physics, 2010,  Roger Penrose, Physics, 2020,  William D. Phillips, Physics, 1997  . David Politzer, Physics, 2004,  Donna Strickland, Physics, 2018,  Kip Stephen Thorne, Physics, 2017,  Carl E. Wieman, Physics, 2001,  Robert Woodrow Wilson, Physics, 1978,  David J. Wineland, Physics, 2012