Hello from a surprisingly cool Hong Kong where are 4th debrief of Abed's Legacy is taking place supplement in the decade of annual visits to Bangladesh that became women empowerments 30 most exciting cooperations of the last half century - ABEDmooC.com
lalumnisat.com roadmap cooperation nations Back in 2008, 2000 students including glasgow U's adam smith's -which my family had given yunus social business book to started a game world record jobs - if millennials and their families could start by linking to alumni and knowhow of 2 people
whose universe of cooperation knowhow would most help under30s be the first sustainability generation?
I believe the choice The Economist & my father made in 1951 Von Neumann and dad's last choice Fazle Abed make quite a good twin sisters cooperation gameSDG5) between communities @ any gps on planet
Of course I have some biases father met von neumann at princeton 1951 and with economist journalists started von neumann survey what goods can people unite with 100 times more tech per decade?
within a decade father had started mapping 5 hi-tech corridors
*swiss (connecting eg budapest v neumann einstein munich) since 1865 ITU where neumann einstein had come from- digital twin of UN from 1945
*princeton south which von neumann had lots of official secrets difficulty with http://neumann.ning.com
*princeton north which he open sourced via ibm yale, mit and presumably UN
*stanford which had been established 1885 as by and for every child
* japan south coastal roadsters corridor to linkin in korea south taiwan hk and singapore (this corridor was seconded by JFK but no us president since) https://www.raabcollection.com/presidential-autographs/kennedy-japan ; in spote of jfk's death the tokyo olympics united prince chatles then 16 with japan and dutch royal families witnessing the firts global satellite broadcast; and a yera later a japanese calculator's order stimulated intel to invent programable chips; meanwhile tokyo is a benchmark for supercity mullti-win trade with containerisation making sme supply chains without borders less costly than overland (and bullet trains hut in case); so the 65% of people who are Asian had something intergeneratonally good to linkin
arguably the 6th corridor of good was singapore's south asian co-creation of asean from 1967 but if we want to map 1 billion south asians girls corridor intel for good then dad and I still find fazle abed's multipliers from 1970 most deeply data rich when twinned with von neumann maps
at abed's 80th birthday party in 2016 a lot of chaos happened but in spite of tragedies like the dhaka tetror attack abed's 80th wish got relayed at UN NY 2016 by Koreans Jim Kim and Ban ki-moon and became digital cooperation and then the tech envoy office https://www.un.org/techenvoy/content/ongoing-work
one of the first things vincent did when appointed by sir fazle as vc brac unii 2019 was to design BUx like edx
meanwhile the first year of the research by people who became tech envoy connected geneva Unctad Kituyi and ITU Zhao- there I saw hk hanson's and jeanne's 2017 work humanoid sophia- so today i would trust jeanne's meta-womens kindness platform http://www.beingai.com )(social actioning) sdgoals (in comparison i find chatgpt scary)
I will try and add another 50 or so people that von neumann and abed seem to have linked - of course in asian university terms you have lee kuan yew's great unis and in hong kong li ka shing's; (as well as abed's last new friend charles http://www.yidanprize.org co-founded ten cent)
so i've got to think development of 1 billion asian girls ai and lives can be a different ball game than even the stanford corridor can muster though jerry yang seems to keep stanford open
abed always said anyone who does a mooc of me must make c= cooperation whatever they do with mass open online - what are the 30 most sustainable cooperation platforms that would have existed if abed hadnt existed - welcome economistdiary.com abedmooc.com,catholicuni.com
nb all reporting errors mine alone- of course this game is also about who any player doesnt yet know- why cooperation seems so interesting to map
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