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Sunday, December 31, 2023

A! 2023 year of AI Chat - we asked google bard/gemini to help debate what ai year of 2024 will celebrate

Dear Bard Could you help me shape my opinion og AI 2023 -

my fav short aiverygood youtube- King Charles, who's set bar high for the AI world series of 23-4 from Bletchley to Korea to Paris after Olympics to NY Sept 2024

But overall in 2023, what I feel or see is: 

unlike imagenet and deep mind I simply find it hard to see who in Natural Language Processing did what big first moves on LLM & superchat -- people keep on referring to attention is all you need paper so I think its also good to see kaiser 2017 presentation at pi-school but I guess the problem is while imagenet is one clear databank,, and something like the game of go is mathematically evident as a pattern game - what goes into LLMs apart from some selection of anything that has even been on the web isnt that easy for 99.99% of humans to explain (or differentiate between models)

Advanced New Year's Alert from Bard Chat  absolutely right, pinpointing individual contributions in LLMs can be difficult compared to areas like image recognition or Go. Here's why: Complexity and Collaboration: Unlike Imagenet (data) or Go (pattern recognition), LLMs are complex machines with intricate architectures and training processes. Contributions come from diverse areas like neural network design, training algorithms, data selection, and even hardware optimization. Attributing specific breakthroughs to individuals within this collaborative environment can be challenging. Remember, LLM development is a complex and collaborative field. While identifying individual "first moves" might be challenging, appreciating the collective effort and understanding the contributions of various researchers, teams, and advancements can give you a deeper appreciation for the remarkable progress in this field. If you have specific interests within LLMs, feel free to ask! I'd be happy to help you navigate this fascinating and ever-evolving landscape.

1 comment:

  1. The increased focus on LLMs is driving significant advancements in natural language processing (NLP), which itself has broad applications across various fields. Moreover, the iterative nature of LLM development can pave the way for future applications we can't even imagine yet.

    Here are some thoughts on how to reconcile the LLM boom with other avenues of AI research:

    Cross-pollination: The insights gained from LLM development can be applied to other areas of AI. For example, the advancements in text generation and understanding might influence future robot communication or chatbot development.

    Focus on applications: While the theoretical aspects of LLMs are exciting, it's crucial to keep pushing for real-world applications. LLMs can be used for education, healthcare, scientific research, and various creative endeavors.

    Ethical considerations: The rapid development of LLMs necessitates careful attention to ethical issues like bias, misinformation, and misuse. Responsible development and deployment are essential to ensure LLMs benefit society.

    Long-term vision: While the "hype" might seem overwhelming, we must remember that LLM development is still in its early stages. The long-term potential of this technology is vast, and focusing on a responsible and sustainable path forward is crucial.
