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Sunday, March 24, 2024

 ED: This quote scares me "Tomorrow, intelligence=What we compute*what we communicate*whether mother earth cancels our species." It scares me because The NET (Neumann-Einstein-Turing) saw this back in 1945. At, we are concerned that tomorrow has become today. AI will be in every new personal computer by 2028. For example, Americans have one last administration for Washington to return to being the space of public servants not bling injustices & noisemakers in chief. And what can 95% of humans in rest of world do?

How about asking chats questions like these? Dear Gemini. Let's suppose that makers of GPUs with 150 billion transistors are correct in saying AI will be in ever pc, .. If teachers wanted their students to make the most of ai in pc or in everything they grow up with, what would teachers change first?

Here are some things teachers could change first to help students make the most of AI in PCs and throughout their lives:

Shifting Focus:

  • From Consumers to Creators: Instead of just using AI-powered tools, encourage students to explore how AI works and create their own AI applications. This could involve learning basic coding skills or using drag-and-drop tools for building simple AI models.
  • Critical Thinking over Blind Acceptance: Teach students to be critical consumers of AI. Help them understand the limitations and potential biases of AI algorithms. Encourage them to question how AI is used and its impact on society.

Developing Essential Skills:

  • Data Literacy: In a world filled with AI, understanding data is crucial. Students should learn how data is collected, analyzed, and used by AI systems. This will empower them to make informed decisions and avoid manipulation by AI.
  • Problem-solving and Creativity: AI automates tasks, but humans will still be needed to solve complex problems and come up with creative solutions. Encourage students to develop these skills through project-based learning and open-ended questions.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Even with AI, human collaboration remains essential. Students need to learn how to work effectively with others, communicate ideas clearly, and navigate the ethical implications of AI in teamwork.

Integrating AI into Existing Curriculum:

  • AI Across Subjects: Don't treat AI as a separate subject. Integrate AI concepts and tools across different disciplines. For example, in history, students could use AI to analyze historical data or create simulations of past events. In science, they could use AI to analyze scientific data or model complex systems.
  • Project-based Learning with AI: Instead of traditional lectures, engage students in projects that involve using AI tools. This could involve building an AI-powered chatbot, creating an AI-powered game, or using AI to analyze a social media dataset.

These are just a few ideas. The most important thing is to start sparking students' curiosity about AI and empower them to use it as a powerful tool for learning, creating, and solving problems.

Here are some additional resources that teachers might find helpful:

  • K-12 Computer Science Framework: This framework outlines the essential concepts and skills students should learn in computer science, including AI.
  • AI4K12: This organization provides resources and professional development for teachers who want to integrate AI into their classrooms.
  • Explainable AI (XAI) Resources: Many organizations are developing resources to help people understand how AI works. These resources can be helpful for teachers who want to teach students about the inner workings of AI.

By incorporating these ideas and resources, teachers can prepare students to thrive in a world increasingly shaped by AI.

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