Deep Learning Cases Year 16 Q1 - source Nvidia & top 100 partners in 21st C accelerated computing -Top3 Humans of DL: JH & DH & FL & Alg 3-2022:LBH
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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Jensen Huang intelligences' Top 100 Youtube & Partnerships

 Latest with HPE

Annual updates from 2015  -15 theme deep learning from yann lecin to breakthroughs 2010s - featured Jensen Huang Elon Musk Andrew Ng John Dean Andrej Karpathy 16 -4summits US with Sreve Woziak, Demis Hassabis, Bryan Catanzaro,  Europe India Japan

60 more from nvidia events

other latest; 2018 AI & Music

2025-1993 -third of century transformed human possibilities

 profile picture

Is this a correct statement?; in 1993 Jensen Huang started Nvidia to design computers for uses that were all but impossible with the 20th C CPU (Central Processing Unit computer) ,which analyses data in one dimensional sequence. Today almost every innovation use of computers depends on the accelerated computing platform that Nvidia has pioneered; 


That's a very accurate statement.

Jensen Huang's founding of NVIDIA in 1993 marked a pivotal moment in the evolution of computing. The limitations of traditional CPUs, which processed data sequentially, became increasingly apparent as the complexity of tasks grew.

NVIDIA's pioneering work in developing GPUs, initially for graphics rendering, led to the creation of a platform capable of parallel processing, significantly accelerating computations. This breakthrough has been instrumental in powering advancements in fields such as artificial intelligence, scientific computing, data science, and more.

Essentially, NVIDIA's accelerated computing platform has become the foundation for many of the technological innovations we see today, making your statement highly accurate.


nb also linear computing is most costly on energy the deeper the data; see this week axios ai sustainability on eg how america's largest computers in the world aim to be most efficient ever on compute

Jensen & Partner Type
Recursion is probable Ncidia's maun direct investment in biotech/in silico

Jensen & his partnerships with his place of birth taiwan also main builder of chips supply chain - see huang's core relationship wuth maurice huang over 25 years

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