1 Betwen 1758 & 1492 what happened to maths of M: Money & Morals and N:Navigation & Nature? my feeling is newtown & adam smith are worth reading bnut sadly there were a lot of bad traders - eg slaving or genociding
2a so what happened 1865 to 1760 when engineering started up out of glasgow led to power of engines and then electricity and the birty of the telgraph; well we can see that by 1776 usa repelled the euroepan empires which redoubled efoorts to take over asia and africa with machine power; then electricity introduced a second revoltion - the telegraph as forerunner of all telecommunicatiosn seemd bening - it focused on most iurgent life critical newsd; fortuantely Bern in swizerland becamse the world hub of international telgraph ujion 1865; this wwas trasnfered 1946 ti geneva as swiss branch of the Un and was by now called intenataion tecommunications union; one of the intersting things about this union is its component parties need to colaborate - nobody wanted the wo0rld to have 2 rtelegraph or 2 telephone or two radio or tevision broadcasting systems; so even as we can debate did message on the airwaves change from urgent truthes to bullying people withy PR vested interest miss information - the seeds were there at the ITU to help the rest of the UN if one day oit was decided intel could sustain instaed of end the world - see 2017 transcript fort 49 pages of when Geneva itu asks UN Ny if oit can help support sdgs newtorking bu hmanisting AI for good
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